1 /*  START OF:       xforum_meeting_info.incl.pl1              *  *  *  *  * */
 6   1) change(84-05-03,Davids), approve(84-05-03,MCR7350),
 7      audit(86-04-24,Gilcrease), install(86-04-24,MR12.0-1048):
 8      Changed the length of name from 20 characters to 32 characters.
 9      Version 2 forum names can be 26 characters long (forum suffix) -
10      and a little extra incase version 3 uses a shorter suffix yet.
12      84-10-03 Davids: added the unread_count, next_unread, and
13      seen_map_ptr elements.  Also the declaration for the
14      seen_map_string and seen_map.
16      85-01-24 Davids: added the set_array_ptr to the
17      xforum_meeting_info structure and the set_array structure and
18      SET_ARRAY_SPEC_LEN variable.
19   2) change(86-02-17,LJAdams), approve(86-02-17,MCR7350),
20      audit(86-04-24,Gilcrease), install(86-04-24,MR12.0-1048):
21      Added restref flag.
22                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
24 declare 1 xforum_meeting_info                based (xforum_meeting_info_ptr),
25           2 name                             char (32),
26           2 lidx                             fixed bin,
27           2 idx                              fixed bin,
28           2 current                          fixed bin,
29           2 last_seen                        fixed bin,
30           2 first_trans                      fixed bin,
31           2 last_trans                       fixed bin,
32           2 new_trans                        fixed bin,
33           2 flags unal,
34             3 all                            bit (1),
35             3 allref                         bit (1),
36             3 restref                        bit (1),
37             3 new                            bit (1),
38             3 range                          bit (1),
39             3 set                            bit (1),
40           2 current_ref                      fixed bin,
41           2 low                              fixed bin,
42           2 high                             fixed bin,
43           2 trans_struct_ptr                 ptr,
44           2 next_unread                      fixed bin,
45           2 unread_count                     fixed bin,
46           2 seen_map_ptr                     ptr,
47           2 set_array_ptr                    ptr;
49 dcl seen_map_string bit (1000000) based;
50 dcl seen_map (1000000) bit (1) unaligned based;
52 dcl 01 set_array based (xforum_meeting_info.set_array_ptr),
53      02 number fixed bin,
54      02 spec char (80) varying,
55      02 index (100000);
57 dcl SET_ARRAY_SPEC_LEN fixed bin init (80) internal static options (constant);
59 /*  END OF:         xforum_meeting_info.incl.pl1              *  *  *  *  * */