1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... x25_load_info.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Created 12/21/78 by J. Stern */
 3 /* Modified July 1983 by Robert Coren to add long_packet_size */
 4 /* Modified August 1983 by Jeff Schiller to implement the "reverse charging" facility. */
 5 /* Modified October 1984 by R.J.C. Kissel to a value for the idle timer in breakall mode. */
 7 dcl  X25_LOAD_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) aligned static options (constant) init ("x25load1");
 9 dcl  x25_load_infop ptr;
10 dcl  1 x25_load_info aligned based (x25_load_infop),        /* info for "load_mpx" control order */
11        2 version char (8),                                  /* version of this structure */
12        2 ev_chan fixed bin (71),                            /* event channel to signal load completion */
13        2 pid bit (36) aligned,                              /* process to which to signal events */
14        2 n_lc fixed bin,                                    /* number of VC's */
15        2 max_packet_size fixed bin,                         /* largest packet we will send */
16        2 window_size fixed bin,                             /* our send window */
17        2 net_type char (8),                                 /* type of national facilities */
18        2 flags,
19          3 bypass_restart bit (1) unaligned,
20          3 no_d bit (1) unaligned,                          /* network does not support D bit */
21          3 out_calls_collect bit (1) unaligned,
22          3 pad1 bit (33) unaligned,
23        2 my_address varying char (15),                      /* local address */
24        2 frame_level_data,
25          3 flags,
26            4 dce bit (1) unaligned,
27            4 abm bit (1) unaligned,
28            4 disc_first bit (1) unaligned,
29            4 trace_off bit (1) unaligned,
30          3 frame_size fixed bin,
31          3 k fixed bin,
32          3 n2 fixed bin,
33          3 t1 float bin,
34          3 t3 float bin,
35        2 long_packet_size fixed bin,                        /* minimum size of long packet */
36        2 breakall_idle_timer fixed bin;                     /* value of idle timer in 1/20 sec. for breakall mode. */
38 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... x25_load_info.incl.pl1 */