1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... wtcb.incl.pl1 */
  5   1) change(88-06-15,Berno), approve(88-07-13,MCR7928),
  6      audit(88-06-15,Parisek), install(88-07-19,MR12.2-1061):
  7      Add data needed for the uncp multiplexer (DSA gateway) interface
  8      implementation.
  9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 12 /*
 13    Moved from tty_buf.incl.pl1 Aug 78 by J. Nicholls plus changes for ring 0 demultiplexing
 14    Error code added Nov. 1982 by Robert Coren
 15    Modified December 1984 by Robert Coren to invent "more_flags" structure and
 16     its first flag, line_status_disabled
 17    Reported modifications for the DN7100 interim in August 85.
 18 */
 20 dcl  wtcbp ptr;                                             /* pointer to head of wtcb */
 22 dcl 1 wtcb based (wtcbp) aligned,                           /* wired terminal control block */
 23     2 hevent fixed bin (71) aligned,                        /* event channel for hangup/dialup signal */
 24     2 event fixed bin (71) aligned,                         /* users event channel, for uproc */
 26     2 line_status bit (72) aligned,                         /* actual line status sent by fnp */
 28     2 tcb_ptr ptr unal,                                     /* pointer to tcb */
 29     2 pad1 fixed bin (35),                                  /* formerly time dialedup */
 31     2 hproc bit (36) aligned,                               /* boss processid */
 32     2 uproc bit (36) aligned,                               /* tty user processid */
 34     2 baud_rate fixed bin (18) unal uns,                    /* baud rate of this line */
 35     2 line_type fixed bin (18) unal uns,                    /* line type for line protocol */
 37     2 flags unaligned,
 38       3 listen bit (1) unaligned,                           /* if on, listen for dialups */
 39       3 dialed bit (1) unaligned,                           /* if on, line is dialed up */
 40       3 send_output bit (1) unaligned,                      /* on if DN355 requested more output */
 42       3 qenable bit (1) unaligned,                          /* if on, signal quits */
 43       3 qflag bit (1) unaligned,                            /* on after quit, causes writes to be ignored */
 44       3 end_frame bit (1) unaligned,                        /* write chain fills ards frame */
 46       3 notify_reqd bit (1) unaligned,                      /* if on, do notify after unlocking lock */
 47       3 work_reqd bit (1) unaligned,                        /* if on, call dn355 before returning */
 48       3 dialing bit (1) unaligned,                          /* if on, 355 is dialing a phone number */
 50       3 dial_status_valid bit (1) unaligned,                /* if on, dial_status_code is valid */
 51       3 input_available bit (1) unaligned,                  /* input for this device is waiting in wired space */
 52       3 tcb_initialized bit (1) unaligned,                  /* if on, tcb has been initialized */
 54       3 wflag bit (1) unaligned,                            /* process blocked on output */
 55       3 rflag bit (1) unaligned,                            /* process blocked on input */
 56       3 wru bit (1) unaligned,                              /* reading answerback */
 58       3 hndlquit bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on if in hndlquit mode */
 59       3 count_lines bit (1) unaligned,                      /* on if tcb.linemax > 0 */
 60       3 line_status_present bit (1) unaligned,              /* fnp has sent line status */
 62       3 sync_line bit (1) unaligned,                        /* channel is synchronous line type */
 63       3 breakall bit (1) unaligned,                         /* channel is in breakall mode */
 64       3 scroll bit (1) unaligned,                           /* channel is in scroll mode */
 66       3 negotiating_echo bit (1) unaligned,                 /* ring zero to echo chars. */
 67       3 wake_tbl bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on if in wake_tbl mode */
 68       3 allow_wakeup bit (1) unaligned,                     /* on to allow input wakeup in wake_tbl mode */
 70       3 receive_mode_device bit (1) unaligned,              /* device must be told to enter receive mode */
 71       3 mark_set bit (1) unal,                              /* write_with_mark call outstanding */
 72       3 masked bit (1) unal,                                /* channel masked by FNP */
 74     2 dial_status_code fixed bin (8) unaligned,             /* code returned by 355 after dialing a phone number */
 76     2 fblock fixed bin (17) unaligned,                      /* oldest read pointer, block */
 77     2 lblock fixed bin (17) unaligned,                      /* newest read block */
 79     2 fchar fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,               /* first block char index */
 80     2 actline fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,             /* line number of current line */
 81     2 actcol fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,              /* tty column position */
 82     2 nramsgs fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,             /* current number of read-ahead msgs */
 84     2 write_first fixed bin (17) unaligned,                 /* first write block */
 85     2 write_last fixed bin (17) unaligned,                  /* last write block */
 86     2 write_cnt fixed bin (17) unaligned,                   /* count of chars in write chain */
 87     2 white_col fixed bin (17) unaligned,                   /* column position resulting from trailing white space */
 89     2 max_buf_size fixed bin (9) unal uns,                  /* maximum-size buffer to be allocated for this channel */
 90     2 buffer_pad fixed bin (9) unal uns,                    /* amount of pad to be left in output buffers */
 91     2 devx fixed bin (17) unaligned,                        /* index into lct of channel's entry */
 92     2 echdp bit (18) unaligned,                             /* echo negotiation data ptr */
 93     2 waketp bit (18) unaligned,                            /* wakeup table offset */
 94     2 prompt_len fixed bin (8) unaligned,                   /* number of chars in prompt string */
 95     2 prompt char (3) unaligned,                            /* text of prompt message */
 96     2 line_delimiter char (1) unal,                         /* line delimiter for tty_read parse */
 97     2 more_flags unaligned,                                 /* in addition to flags (above) */
 98       3 line_status_disabled bit (1) unaligned,             /* "1"b => don't relay line_status interrupts */
 99     2 send_turn bit (1) unal,                               /* For the Dn7100 interim */
100     2 pad bit (25) unal,
101     2 error_code fixed bin (35),                            /* error code returned by channel_manager to tty_interrupt */
102     2 pad2 bit (36);
104 /* Ends on doubleword boundary */
106 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... wtcb.incl.pl1 */