1 /*   BEGIN INCLUDE   vrm_open_info.incl.pl1                     */
 3 /* R. Harvey  82-11-02
 4    82-09-82 Roger Lackey: added iocb_list_ptr */
 6 dcl 1 vrm_open_info aligned based (vrm_open_info_ptr),      /* Vfile relation description */
 7     2 version char (8),                                     /* Version number of this structure */
 8     2 opening_id bit (36) aligned,                          /* Opening id associated with this desc */
 9     2 file_uid bit (36) aligned,                            /* Unique id of msf dir */
10     2 number_of_openings fixed bin,                         /* Number of separate calls to vrm$open */
11     2 switches,
12       3 shared bit (1) unal,                                /* Open relation in shared mode */
13       3 pad bit (35) unal init ("0"b),                      /* Unused must be zero */
14     2 database_dir_path char (168) varying,                 /* Absolute path of database */
15     2 relation_name char (30) varying,                      /* Name of relation */
16     2 relation_model_ptr pointer,                           /* Pointer to the relation_model in the relation itself or a temp seg */
17     2 com_ptr pointer,                                      /* Temp seg for cursors and scratch space */
18     2 iocb_list_ptr pointer,                                /* Pointer to first vrm_iocb_list_block */
19     2 primary_key_info_ptr pointer,                         /* Special case collection info ptr */
20     2 number_of_index_collections fixed bin,                /* Count of index collections (include primary key) */
21     2 index_collection (voi_no_of_index_collections
22                        refer (vrm_open_info.number_of_index_collections)),
23       3 id bit (36),
24       3 info_ptr ptr unal;                                  /* Points to more detailed info */
27 dcl  VRM_OPEN_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("       1");
28 dcl  vrm_open_info_ptr ptr;
29 dcl  voi_no_of_index_collections fixed bin;
31 /*   END INCLUDE  vrm_open_info.incl.pl1             */