1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE  vrm_meter.incl.pl1      */
 3 dcl  vrm_meter_ptr pointer;
 5 dcl 1 vrm_meter aligned based (vrm_meter_ptr),
 6     2 cursor_name char (32),                                /* Name of cursor */
 7     2 meter_start_time fixed bin (71),
 8     2 switches,
 9       3 metering bit (1) unal,                              /* On = meter being done */
10       3 mbz bit (35) unal,
11     2 cursor_ptr ptr,                                       /* Pointer to vrm_cursor structure */
12     2 last_call_stats like statistics,
13     2 total_stats like statistics;
15 dcl 1 statistics based,                                     /* Used in like above */
16     2 last_time_of_stats fixed bin (71),                    /* Last clock value for stats taken */
17     2 vcpu_time float bin (63),                             /* The vcpu for this cursor */
18     2 page_faults fixed bin (70),                           /* Page faults for this cursor */
19     2 number_times_locked fixed bin (70),                   /* Number of time a lock was set */
20     2 number_times_used fixed bin (70),                     /* Number of time cursor was used */
21     2 num_times_search_called fixed bin (70),               /* Number of time vrm_search was called */
22     2 records_searched fixed bin (70),                      /* The records searched */
23     2 seek_heads fixed bin (70),                            /* The seek heads done for key searches */
24     2 special_seek_heads fixed bin (70),                    /* The seek heads done for key searches */
25     2 keys_read fixed bin (70),                             /* The keys read by key search */
26     2 keys_compared fixed bin (70),                         /* The keys compared in key search */
27     2 key_hits fixed bin (70),                              /* The key hits for key search */
28     2 non_key_compares fixed bin (70),                      /* The non_key compares done for this cursor */
29     2 non_key_hits fixed bin (70),                          /* The non_key hits for this cursor */
30     2 upper_limit_found_count fixed bin (70),               /* The number of times upper limit was exceeded */
31     2 number_items_returned fixed bin (70),                 /* Number of tuples or tid returned */
32     2 number_tuples_deleted fixed bin (70),                 /* Number of tuples deleted */
33     2 number_tuples_modified fixed bin (70),                /* Number of tuples modified */
34     2 number_tuples_stored fixed bin (70);                  /* Number of tuples stored */
36 /* END INCLUDE  vrm_meter.incl.pl1      */