1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE   vrm_cursor.incl.pl1            */
 3 /* 83-05-26 Roger Lackey : Modifyed for relation cursors */
 5 dcl  vrm_cursor_ptr pointer;                                /* Pointer to this structure */
 7 dcl 1 vrm_cursor aligned based (vrm_cursor_ptr),            /* vfile relation manager cursor */
 8     2 opening_id bit (36) aligned,                          /* ID of opening associated with this cursor */
 9     2 debug_sw unal,                                        /* Undefined MBZ */
10       3 trace_open bit (1) unal,                            /* Show opening of iocb cursor creation time */
11       3 pad bit (35) unal,
12     2 switches,
13       3 shared bit (1) unal,                                /* Other processes can use this relation */
14       3 meter_sw bit (1) unal,                              /* On = Keep meters for this cursor */
15       3 pad bit (7) unal,                                   /* Unsed */
16     2 opening_mode fixed bin,                               /* Opening mode for this cursor (8 = KSQR  10 = KSQU) */
17     2 open_info_ptr pointer,                                /* Pointer to parent opening info structure */
18     2 vrm_relation_desc_ptr pointer,                        /* Pointer to parent rel desc */
19     2 iocb_ptr pointer,                                     /* Pointer to attach iocb */
20     2 secondary_iocb_ptr ptr,                               /* Second iocb_ptr used by vrmu_search */
21     2 search_list_ptr ptr,                                  /* Pointer to search_list */
22     2 search_keys_ptr ptr,                                  /* Pointer to search_keys array */
23     2 meter_ptr pointer,                                    /* Pointer metering str if metering is on or null */
24     2 vrm_iocb_list_block_ptr pointer,                      /* Pointer to vrm_iocb_list_block that contains this cursors iocb */
25     2 vrm_iocb_list_block_iocbs_ix fixed bin;               /* Index into list_block.iocbs for location of iocb */
28 /* END  INCLUDE vrm_cursor.incl.pl1                       */