1 /*   BEGIN INCLUDE   vrm_collection_info.incl.pl1               */
 3 /*  R. Harvey  82-11-02 */
 6      dcl     1 vrm_collection_info  aligned based (vrm_collection_info_ptr),
 7                                                             /* Index collection description */
 8                2 record_id          unal,
 9                  3 header           bit (4) unal,           /* collection type */
10                  3 id               bit (8) unal,           /* index id */
11                2 unique             bit (1) unal,
12                2 primary_key        bit (1) unal,           /* This is the MRDS primary key collection */
13                2 pad                bit (26) unal,
14                2 number_of_attributes
15                                     fixed bin,
16                2 attribute          (vci_no_of_attributes refer (vrm_collection_info.number_of_attributes)),
17                  3 attr_index       fixed bin,              /* Attribute number in relation description */
18                  3 key_offset       fixed bin,              /* Offset within key in bits */
19                  3 key_bit_len      fixed bin ;             /* Length of key in bits */
21      dcl     vrm_collection_info_ptr
22                                     ptr;
23      dcl     vci_no_of_attributes   fixed bin;
24      dcl     vrm_collection_header_type
25                                     bit (4) unal int static options (constant) init ("1100"b);
26      dcl     VRM_COLLECTION_KEY_HEAD char (16) int static options (constant) init ("@collection_info");
28 /*   END INCLUDE  vrm_collection_info.incl.pl1       */