1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE  ...  volume_registration.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Modified 07/27/84 by EJ Sharpe to make pv_registration a
 4                     separate structure.  Also renamed "hvid" to "lvid"
 5                     and "hvname" to "lvname".
 6    Modified 84-11-06 by EJ Sharpe to combine (max min)_access_class into
 7                     access_class_range (2) bit (72) and add version constant
 8                     Also changed version constant from 1 to 2.
 9 */
11 dcl  vrp ptr;
12 dcl  pvrp ptr;
14 dcl 1 volume_registration aligned based (vrp),
15     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* Version number of this dcl */
16     2 lvid bit (36),                                        /* Logical volume unique ID */
17     2 lvname char (32),                                     /* Logical volume name */
18     2 access_class_range (2) bit (72),                      /* Range of authorizations that may use the vol */
19     2 volume_owner char (32),                               /* Person.Project */
20     2 acs_path char (168),                                  /* Path name of ACS */
21     2 flags,
22       3 public bit (1) unal,                                /* TRUE if public volume */
23       3 pad bit (35) unal,
24     2 npv fixed bin,                                        /* Number of physical volumes */
25     2 pv (0 refer (volume_registration.npv)) like pv_registration;
28 dcl 1 pv_registration aligned based (pvrp),
29       2 pvid bit (36),                                      /* Physical volume unique ID */
30       2 model fixed bin,                                    /* Model number */
31       2 pvname char (32),                                   /* Physical volume name */
32       2 location char (32),                                 /* Where to find volume */
33       2 mfg_serial char (32),                               /* Manufacturer's serial no, etc */
34       2 date_registered fixed bin (71),                     /* Date and time registered */
35       2 password bit (2);
37 dcl Volume_Registration_Version_2       fixed bin init (2) static options (constant);
39 /* END INCLUDE FILE    ...  volume_registration.incl.pl1 */