1 /* START OF: verify_info_data.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 2 3 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 4 1) change(2020-11-25,GDixon), approve(2021-02-23,MCR10089), 5 audit(2021-03-31,Swenson), install(2021-03-31,MR12.6g-0053): 6 Initial version of this structure and associated constants. 7 END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 8 9 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 STRUCTURE: verify_info_data 11 12 Describes data used by the verify_info command and its info_seg_verify_$iFiles 13 subroutine to examine info segment formatting. 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 15 16 17 dcl 1 verify_info_data aligned based(verify_info_dataP), 18 2 vid_version char(16), /* - version of this struct: verify_info_data_version_01 */ 19 20 2 inputs, 21 /* Inputs for: info_seg_verify_$display_specifications: */ 22 3 rules_area fixed bin, /* -rules OPERAND select which rules to display: */ 23 /* a VI_RULE_xxx value from list below. */ 24 25 26 /* Inputs for: info_seg_verify_$iFiles */ 27 /* (includes all remaining verify_info_data elements) */ 28 3 switches, 29 4 (totalsS, /* -totals: (T) only set error_count, highest_severity. */ 30 /* (F) display individual error messages. */ 31 briefS, /* -brief: (T) block/section errors displayed as keys at */ 32 /* end of vi block/section heading output. */ 33 /* (F) full error messages are displayed. */ 34 35 fileS, /* -debug file display details of file structure. */ 36 blockS, /* -db block display block divider and header details. */ 37 sectionS, /* -db section display Syntax section components. */ 38 listS /* -db list display section items in "Arguments", */ 39 /* "Control arguments" and "List of ..." */ 40 ) bit(1) aligned, 41 3 naming fixed bin(2), /* -names, -no_names, -force_names setting: */ 42 /* a VI_NAMING_xxx value */ 43 44 3 lines, /* display info seg lines, for debugging purposes */ 45 4 file, /* -lines {count} OR -lines start:{count} */ 46 5 (start, count) fixed bin, 47 4 blok, /* -block {count} OR -block start:{count} */ 48 5 (start, count) fixed bin, 49 50 2 results, 51 3 segs_processed fixed bin, /* - count of info segs found and parsed. */ 52 3 error_count fixed bin, /* - count of errors encountered */ 53 3 highest_severity fixed bin, /* - highest severity error encountered verifying infos */ 54 55 2 isd aligned like info_seg_data, /* - info_seg_data structure used to parse segs being */ 56 /* verified. See info_seg_dcls_.incl.pl1 */ 57 58 verify_info_dataP ptr; /* Pointer to verify_info_data structure. */ 59 60 dcl verify_info_data_version_01 char(14) int static options(constant) init("verify_info_01"); 61 /* Currently supported version of verify_info_data struct */ 62 63 /* Should names on info segment be changed? */ 64 dcl (VI_NAMING_off init(0), /* - no, issue errors for names outside guidelines. */ 65 VI_NAMING_query init(1), /* - ask user about removals; add/reorder without asking */ 66 VI_NAMING_force init(2) /* - make all changes per guidelines without asking, but */ 67 /* all changes are reported via error messages. */ 68 ) fixed bin(2) int static options(constant); 69 70 dcl VI_RULES_AREA (12,2) char(12) var int static options(constant) init( 71 /* Keep items in VI_RULES_AREA synchronized with index */ 72 /* values VI_RULE_xxx defined below. */ 73 "all", "a", /* - VI_RULE_all_areas */ 74 "file", "f", /* - VI_RULE_file_structure */ 75 "block", "bk", /* - VI_RULE_block_kind */ 76 "section", "scn", /* - VI_RULE_section_titles */ 77 78 "all_kinds", "ak", /* - VI_RULE_all_kinds */ 79 "command", "cmd", /* - VI_RULE_command_titles */ 80 81 "subsystem", "ss", /* - VI_RULE_subsystem_titles */ 82 "request", "req", /* - VI_RULE_request_titles */ 83 84 "topics", "topic", /* - VI_RULE_topic_titles */ 85 "general_info", "gi", /* - VI_RULE_gi_titles */ 86 87 "subroutine", "subr", /* - VI_RULE_subroutine_titles */ 88 "io_module", "io" /* - VI_RULE_io_titles */ 89 ); 90 91 dcl (VI_RULE_unset init( 0), /* The only value not represented in VI_RULES_AREA above. */ 92 VI_RULE_all_areas init( 1), 93 VI_RULE_file_structure init( 2), 94 VI_RULE_block_kind init( 3), 95 VI_RULE_section_titles init( 4), 96 97 VI_RULE_all_kinds init( 5), 98 VI_RULE_command_titles init( 6), 99 100 VI_RULE_subsystem_titles init( 7), 101 VI_RULE_request_titles init( 8), 102 103 VI_RULE_topic_titles init( 9), 104 VI_RULE_gi_titles init(10), 105 106 VI_RULE_subroutine_titles init(11), 107 VI_RULE_io_titles init(12) 108 ) fixed bin int static options(constant); 109 110 dcl VI_DEBUG_OPERAND (4,2) char(16) var int static options(constant) init( 111 "file", "f", 112 "block", "bk", 113 "section", "scn", 114 "list", "ls" 115 ); 116 dcl (VI_DEBUG_file init( 1), 117 VI_DEBUG_block init( 2), 118 VI_DEBUG_section init( 3), 119 VI_DEBUG_list init( 4) 120 ) fixed bin int static options(constant); 121 122 /* END OF: verify_info_data.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */