1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE vcons_tab.incl.pl1  */
 2 /*
 3 Virtual Console Table
 5 Associates virtual consoles  with  physical  devices  and/or  log
 6 segments.  */
 9 dcl 1 vcons_tab aligned based based(vconsp),      /* header 4 words */
10           2 lock bit(36),
11           2 no_of_vcons fixed bin,
12           2 flags       bit(36),
13           2 pad1        fixed bin,
14           2 star_entry like vcons aligned,
15           2 vcons(32) like vcons aligned;
17 dcl       1 vcons aligned based(vcep),  /* This header 10 dec  12 oct words  */
18                2 vcons char(32),
19                2 no_of_dest fixed bin,
20                2 flags,
21                     3 inuse        bit(1) unal,
22                     3 unused       bit(35) unal,
23                2 dest(8) aligned,       /* 12 dec 14 oct words */
24                     3 type fixed bin,
25                     3 pad2 fixed bin,
26                     3 dest          char(32),
27                     3 queue_seg_ptr ptr;
28 /*
30 vcons_tab
31 lock
32 no_of_vcons
33 vcons
34 vcons                    Symbolic name of virtual console
35 no_of_dest               Number of physical destinations for
36                          messages to this virtual console.
37 inuse                    "1"b if this entry is in use.
38 dest                     Where the message is to be sent
39 type                     1 for tty, 2 for segment
40 dest                     Symbolic name of physical destination
41 tty_index                If tty, index in mess coordr answer table
42 seg_ptr                  if segment, pointer to it.
43 */
44 /* END INCLUDE FILE vcons_tab.incl.pl1   */