1 /*  START OF:       forum_structures.incl.pl1                 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 3 declare   forum_control_ptr             ptr,
 4           proceedings_ptr               ptr;
 6 declare   1 forum_control               aligned based (forum_control_ptr),
 7             2 forum_lock                bit (36),           /* Proceedings lock.                                        */
 8             2 next_trans_loc            fixed bin (35),     /* Characters in proceedings.                               */
 9             2 flags                     unaligned,
10                3 mbz0                   bit (3) unaligned,  /* Already wasted on acl stuff at MIT */
11                3 msg_init               bit (1) unaligned,  /* On if message info is valid                              */
12                3 am_init                bit (1) unaligned,  /* next value is valid */
13                3 am_print_acl_msg       bit (1) unaligned,  /* what administrator says */
14                3 cm_init                bit (1) unaligned,  /* next value is valid */
15                3 cm_print_acl_msg       bit (1) unaligned,  /* what chairman says */
16                3 adjourned              bit (1) unaligned,  /* temporarily out of service, per chairman request */
17                3 mbz1                   bit (9) unaligned, /* Future expansion                                          */
18             2 no_transactions           fixed bin unaligned,/* Transaction sequence number.                             */
19             2 message_loc               fixed bin unaligned,/* location of chairman message in proceedings seg          */
20             2 no_attendees              fixed bin unaligned,/* Number of participants.                                  */
21             2 mbz2                      bit (18) unaligned,
22             2 no_deleted                fixed bin unaligned,
23             2 chairman                  unaligned,
24               3 person_id               char (22),
25               3 project_id              char (9),
26             2 attendee                  (500),              /* Attendee data. */
27               3 person_id               char (22) unaligned,
28               3 project_id              char (11) unaligned,
29               3 attending               bit (1) unaligned,
30               3 deleted                 bit (1) unaligned,
31               3 interesting             bit (1) unaligned,  /* tentative, not used yet */
32               3 notify                  bit (1) unaligned,
33               3 removed                 bit (1) unaligned,  /* on if set_participate_off used */
34               3 write_allowed           bit (1) unaligned,
35               3 acl_change_pending      bit (1) unaligned,
36               3 message_changed         bit (1) unaligned,
37               3 unused_flags            bit (1) unaligned,  /* Spare flag. */
38               3 last_time_attended      fixed bin (71),     /* date/time last attended                                  */
39               3 lock_id                 bit (36) aligned,   /* Used to check validity of attending.                     */
40               3 highest_trans_seen      fixed bin,
41               3 process_id              bit (36),
42               3 public_wakeup_chan      fixed bin (71),     /* Transaction channel.                                     */
43             2 transactions              (0 refer (forum_control.no_transactions)) aligned like one_transaction;
45 declare   1 one_transaction             aligned based,
46           2 person_id                   char (22) unaligned,
47           2 project_id                  char (11) unaligned,
48           2 deleted                     bit (1) unaligned,  /* logically removed                                        */
49           2 gone                        bit (1) unaligned,  /* physically removed via compaction                        */
50           2 unfilled                    bit (1) unaligned,  /* on if trans entered unfilled                             */
51           2 deleted_by_author           bit (1) unaligned,  /* as opposed to deleted by chairman */
52           2 unused                      bit (23) unaligned,
53           2 prior_ref_index             fixed bin,          /* index to trans I refer to                                */
54           2 next_ref_index              fixed bin,          /* index to trans referring to me                           */
55           2 subject                     char (72) unaligned,
56           2 time                        fixed bin (71),     /* date-time of entry                                       */
57           2 offset                      fixed bin (35),     /* Where text of transaction begins                         */
58           2 length                      fixed bin (21);     /* in bytes                                                 */
60 declare   ipc_message                   fixed bin (71) based (msg_ptr),         /* message for inter-process calls      */
61           msg_ptr                       ptr static;
63 declare   1 forum_message               aligned,            /* what we're trying to tell other process(es)              */
64             2 forum_uid                 bit (36) aligned,   /* what forum                                               */
65             2 index                     fixed bin;          /* who did it?                                              */
67 /*  END OF:         forum_structures.incl.pl1                 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */