1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE use_big_tape_blocks.incl.pl1   (Wardd Multics)  04/22/81 1141.6 mst Wed */
 3 /* Specification of resources needed to utilize "big" tape
 4    blocks, i.e., over 11888 bytes.
 5 */
 7 dcl 1 big_tape_blocks_resources dim(2) static int options(constant),
 8     3 nex bit(1)init("1"b,"0"b),        /* "1"b => need execute. */
 9                                         /* "0"b => need write. */
10     3 dir char(8)init(
11                     ">sl1",
12                     ">sc1>rcp"
13                     ),
14     3 ent char(13)init(
15                     "rcp_sys_",
16                     "workspace.acs"
17                     );
19 /*   END INCLUDE FILE use_big_tape_blocks.incl.pl1 */