1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... tty_tables.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Created 3/14/77 by J. Stern */
 6 dcl  tty_tables$ ext static;                                /* table storage segment */
 8 dcl 1 tty_tables_hdr aligned based (ttytp),                 /* header of tty_tables segment */
 9       2 lock bit (36) aligned,                              /* lock for modifications */
10       2 event fixed bin (35),                               /* event to wait for if locked */
11       2 notify_reqd bit (1) aligned,                        /* if ON, notify requested after unlocking */
12       2 table_area_size fixed bin (18),                     /* size of table allocation area */
13       2 per_type_data (6),                                  /* data kept on per table type basis */
14         3 first_table bit (18) aligned,                     /* rel ptr to first table in list */
15         3 count fixed bin,                                  /* count of tables in list */
16       2 table_area area (tty_tables_hdr.table_area_size);   /* table allocation area */
18 dcl  ttytp ptr;                                             /* ptr to tty_tables_hdr */
20 dcl 1 table_descriptor aligned based (tdp),                 /* entry in threaded list of tables */
21       2 pattern bit (36) aligned,                           /* = (18) "10"b */
22       2 type fixed bin,                                     /* table type */
23       2 next_table bit (18) aligned,                        /* rel ptr to next table in list */
24       2 prev_table bit (18) aligned,                        /* rel ptr to previous table in list */
25       2 ref_count fixed bin,                                /* reference count (times added minus times deleted) */
26       2 len fixed bin,                                      /* table length in bits */
27       2 table_contents bit (table_alloc_len refer (table_descriptor.len));
29 dcl  tdp ptr;                                               /* ptr to table_descriptor */
30 dcl  table_alloc_len fixed bin;                             /* table length used to allocate new table_descriptor */
33 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... tty_tables.incl.pl1 */