 3 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE tolts_workspace.incl.pl1 */
 5 /* created 10/6/78 by J. A. Bush to define the ioi workspace as used by TOLTS
 6    Modified b R. Fakoury 8106 & 8201 to increase dcw_list size for mtar linked io.
 7   Modified by R. Fakoury 8206 to force the data buffer to an even location for eurc itr test 1.
 8   Modified by R. Fakoury 7/83 to increase the dcw_list size for mtar perm file track repair.
 9 */
11 dcl  ioi_wksp ptr;                                          /* ptr to workspace */
13 dcl 1 tolts_workspace based (ioi_wksp) aligned,
14     2 status,                                               /* ioi status structure */
15       3 completion,                                         /* completion flags */
16        (4 st bit (1),                                       /* "1"b if status returned */
17         4 er bit (1),                                       /* "1"b if status indicates error */
18         4 run bit (1),                                      /* "1"b if channel still running */
19         4 timeout bit (1)) unaligned,                       /* "1"b if io timeout */
20       3 level fixed bin (3),                                /* IOM interrupt level */
21       3 offset fixed bin (18),                              /* dcw list offset for connect */
22       3 absaddr fixed bin (24),                             /* absolute address of workspace */
23       3 iom_status bit (72),                                /* IOM status storage */
24       3 lpw (2) bit (36),                                   /* LPW residue */
25     2 buf_size fixed bin,                                   /* current length of data buffer */
26     2 seek_add bit (36),                                    /* seek address for disk I/O */
27     2 seek_idcw bit (36),                                   /* seek idcw for disk I/O */
28     2 seek_dcw bit (36),                                    /* seek dcw for disk I/O */
29     2 p_idcw bit (36),                                      /* primary idcw, secondary for disk I/O */
30     2 dcw_list (330) bit (36),                              /* test page dcw list */
31     2 pad bit (36),                                         /* force the buffer to begin on an even address */
32     2 l_pad,                                                /* pad area of lower buffer */
33       3 e bit (36),
34       3 o bit (36),
35     2 data_buf (buf_size) fixed bin (35),                   /* data buffer */
36     2 h_pad,                                                /* pad area of upper buffer */
37       3 e bit (36),
38       3 o bit (36);
40 dcl  wks_init char (165 * 4) based (ioi_wksp);              /* used to initialize control word area of ioiworkspace */
42 /* END INCLUDE FILE tolts_workspace.incl.pl1 */