1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:  tolts_fpinfo.incl.pl1
 3 /*  tolts_fpinfo.incl.pl1 describes a data base that resides in the responder
 4     test page and is used for communication between tolts and the test page.*/
 8   1) change(85-12-21,Fakoury), approve(86-08-21,MCR7514),
 9      audit(86-12-03,Martinson), install(86-12-04,MR12.0-1235):
10      Created by Rick Fakoury for support of the Colts rspd request.
11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
13 dcl  tolts_fpinfo_ptr ptr;
15 dcl  1 tolts_fpinfo aligned based (tolts_fpinfo_ptr),       /* front-end processor (DN8) info seg */
16        2 pcw_info aligned,                                  /* pcw format */
17          3 fnp_num fixed bin unaligned,
18          3 pad bit (6) unaligned,
19          3 chan bit (6) unaligned,
20          3 cmnd bit (6) unaligned,
21        2 fnpdcw aligned,                                    /* fnp dcw format */
22          3 address fixed bin unaligned,
23          3 word_count fixed bin unaligned,
24        2 io_rq_cnt fixed bin (35) aligned,                  /* count of io requests */
25        2 mbxloc fixed bin (35) aligned,                     /* mbx address - Multics = 0 */
26        2 spec_cnt fixed bin (35) aligned,                   /* special int count */
27        2 term_cnt fixed bin (35) aligned,                   /* terminate int count */
28        2 partrs fixed bin (35) aligned,                     /* fep atteched = -1 */
29        2 timeout_time bit (36) aligned,                     /* timeout time for DN8 */
30        2 temp01 aligned,
31          3 word1,
32            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
33            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
34          3 word2,
35            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
36            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
37        2 temp02,
38          3 word1,
39            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
40            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
41          3 word2,
42            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
43            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
44        2 temp03,
45          3 word1,
46            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
47            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
48          3 word2,
49            4 upper bit (18) unaligned,
50            4 lower bit (18) unaligned,
51        2 lvl3_flag bit (36) aligned,                        /* terminate int expected */
52        2 lvl7_flag bit (36) aligned,                        /* special int expected */
53        2 lvl3_cnt fixed bin (35) aligned,                   /* terminate int received */
54        2 lvl7_cnt fixed bin (35) aligned,                   /* special int received */
55        2 pprt_avail bit (35) aligned;                       /* page print available - Multics = 0 */
59 /* END INCLUDE FILE tolts_fpinfo.incl.pl1 */