1           /* START OF:        time_zones_.incl.pl1          Created:  August, 1973 by G. C. Dixon             */
 3      dcl  time_table_$zones             fixed bin(35) ext static;
 4                                                             /* the table of acceptable time zone values,      */
 5                                                             /* and their offset, in microseconds, from        */
 6                                                             /* Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).                     */
 8      dcl  1 time_zones                  aligned based (addr (time_table_$zones)),
 9             2 version                   fixed bin,          /* table version number. (This is version 1).     */
10             2 number                    fixed bin,          /* number of time zones in table.                 */
11             2 values (0 refer (time_zones.number)),
12               3 zone                    char(3) aligned,    /* the time zone character string.                */
13               3 pad                     fixed bin,
14               3 zone_offset             fixed bin(71);      /* the offset, in microseconds, which must be     */
15                                                             /*   added to convert a time expressed in this    */
16                                                             /*   time zone to a time expressed in the         */
17                                                             /*   Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) zone.              */
18      dcl  Vtime_zones_1                 fixed bin int static options(constant) init (1);
19                                                             /* time_table_$zones version number.              */
21           /* END OF:          time_zones_.incl.pl1                                                            */