1 /* START OF*        time_value.incl.pl1             *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 3 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 4 /*                                                                           */
 5 /* Name:  time_value.incl.pl1                                      */
 6 /*                                                                           */
 7 /*        This structure holds output from date_time_$from_clock             */
 8 /*                          and input to   date_time_$to_clock               */
 9 /* (A clock value is a combination of a day portion and a time portion.      */
10 /*  clock_days represents one part and clock_time the other.)                */
11 /*      to_clock accepts "day" (as opposed to "time") data only in certain   */
12 /*  combinations.  This table shows with the *'s which fields may be present */
13 /*  together.  All others must be zero.                                      */
14 /* +-1-+-2-+-3-+-4-+--------------+                                          */
15 /* | * | * |   |   |         year |    In cases 1, 2, & 4, if day_in_week is */
16 /* | * |   |   |   |           mm |    present,  it is used to verify the    */
17 /* | * |   |   |   |           dd |    value converted.                      */
18 /* |   |   | * |   |  fiscal_week |    In case 3 it actually defines a day.  */
19 /* |   |   |(*)|   |  day_in_week |    If not present, Monday is assumed.    */
20 /* |   | * |   |   |  day_in_year |                                          */
21 /* |   |   |   | * | day_in_clock |                                          */
22 /* +-v-+-v-+-v-+-v-+--------------+                                          */
23 /*   |   |   |   +-- clock_days = day_in_calendar                            */
24 /*   |   |   +------ clock_days = converted (fiscal_week,day_in_week)        */
25 /*   |   +---------- clock_days = converted (year,day_in_year)               */
26 /*   +-------------- clock_days = converted (year,mm,dd)                     */
27 /*                                                                           */
28 /*    clock_time = converted (HH,MM,SS,UUUUUU)                               */
29 /*                                                                           */
30 /* The zone adjustment may be in one of two forms:                           */
31 /*    if zone^="" then zone_index = INDEX_IN_time_info_OF (zone);            */
32 /*                  [ERROR if not found]                                     */
33 /*    if zone="" & zone_index=0 then zone_index = time_defaults_$zone_index  */
34 /* After these two steps, if zone_index=0, it is an ERROR.                   */
35 /* The value in time_info_ of zone_delta (zone_index) is used to adjust      */
36 /* clock_time.                                                               */
37 /*                                                                           */
38 /* If leap_year^=0 it is an ERROR.  All values are range checked, e.g.       */
39 /*   year<0 or year>9999.  Out-of-range is an ERROR.                         */
40 /*                                                                           */
41 /*  Refer to time_offset_.incl.pl1 for the structure used to input data to   */
42 /*  date_time_$offset_to_clock.                                              */
43 /*                                                                           */
44 /* Status                                                                    */
45 /*                                                                           */
46 /* 0) Created by:   J. Falksen - 06/20/78                                    */
47 /* 1) Updated:      jaf        - 84-11-01 US & fw enlarged to bin(20)        */
48 /*                                                                           */
49 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
51 /*         All values in this structure are zone adjusted, not GMT.          */
53 dcl 1 time_value              aligned based(Ptime_value),
54       2 version     char (8),
55       2 yc          fixed bin,          /* Year part of date (eg, 1978)      */
56       2 my          fixed bin,          /* Month part of date (eg, 7= July)  */
57       2 dm          fixed bin,          /* Day of month part of date (eg, 4) */
58       2 Hd          fixed bin,          /* Hour of the day (eg, 18)          */
59       2 MH          fixed bin,          /* Minute of the hour (eg, 35)       */
60       2 SM          fixed bin,          /* Second of the minute (eg, 59)     */
61       2 US          fixed bin (20),     /* Microseconds in excess of second  */
62       2 fw          fixed bin (20),     /* the digits are yyyyww       [OUT] */
63       2 dw          fixed bin,          /* Day of the week (1=Mon, 7=Sun).   */
64       2 dy          fixed bin,          /* Day of the year                   */
65                                         /*  (eg, 12/31 = 365 or 366).        */
66       2 dc          fixed bin(22),      /* Day in calendar value             */
67                                         /*  (eg, 1 = Jan 1, 0001).           */
68       2 Uc          fixed bin(71),      /* Microsecond in calendar value     */
69                                         /*  (eg, 0 = 0001-01-01m)            */
70       2 za          char (5),           /* Zone abbreviation                 */
71       2 zone_index  fixed bin,          /* Index in time_table_$zone_names,  */
72                                         /*  of zone in which time expressed  */
73       2 leap_year   fixed bin,          /* 1- this is a leap year      [OUT] */
75      Ptime_value    ptr,
76      Vtime_value_3  char(8) int static options(constant) init("timeval3");
78 /* END OF*          time_value.incl.pl1   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */