1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE .... time_info_search.incl.pl1 .... 03/16/83 J Falksen */
 3 /* This include file describes an internal interface mainly used by          */
 4 /* convert_date_to_binary_ to rapidly search the words in time_info_.        */
 5 /* **              USER PROGRAMS ARE NOT TO USE THIS TABLE.               ** */
 7 dcl time_info_$tokens         fixed bin ext static;
 8                                         /* reference point for token table   */
10 dcl 1 ti_token based (ti_token_p),
11       2 count                 fixed bin,
12       2 ambig                 bit (1)aligned, /* 1- str does not have same   */
13                                         /* ..meaning in all languages        */
14       2 item (0 refer (ti_token.count)),
15         3 symbol              char (32),/* canonical lowercase form          */
16         3 list_r              bit (18)aligned;
17 /**** list_r is the offset of the item list which goes with symbol.  To      */
18 /****  build a pointer to the list, use:                                     */
19 /****     addrel (addr (time_info_$version), ti_token.list_r (cur_token))    */
22 dcl ti_token_p      ptr;                /* = addr (time_info_$tokens)        */
24 dcl item_p                    ptr,
25     1 item          based (item_p)unal,
26       2 count       fixed bin aligned,  /* >1 => diff mean/diff lang         */
27       2 e           (0 refer (item.count)),
28         3 ambig     bit (1),                      /* 1-same mean/diff lang   */
29         3 table     fixed bin (7) unsigned,       /* what table is this      */
30         3 element   fixed bin (10) unsigned,      /* which element in table  */
31         3 in_lang   bit (18);                     /* languages using it      */
34 /**** Note that this last element places a limit of 18 on the                */
35 /**** number of languages which may be defined in the table.                 */
37 /* The table name values assigned here are as needed by CDTB                 */
38 dcl (Day_table      init (1),
39      Language_table init (2),
40      Month_table    init (3),
41      Offset_table   init (4),
42      Word_table     init (5),
43      Zone_table     init (6),
44      This_table     init (7)            /* resides in offset table           */
45      )              fixed bin int static options (constant);
47 dcl mo_name         (12) char (3) int static options (constant) init (
48                     "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
49                     "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec");
50 dcl da_name         (7) char (3) int static options (constant) init (
51                     "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun");
53 dcl the_offset_count fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
54 dcl of_name         (8) char (12) int static options (constant) init (
55                     "year",  "month",  "week",  "day",
56                     "Hour", "Minute",  "Second",  "Microsecond");
58 dcl the_word_count  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (13);
59 dcl wo_name         (13) char (12) int static options (constant) init (
60                     "Before", "Or", "After", "On", "Noon", "Midnight", "Now",
61                     "Yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow", "FiscalWeek",
62                     "AM", "PM");
65 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
66 /* NOTE TO MAINTAINER: Before changing this file, see the comments in        */
67 /*                          time_info_cds.incl.pl1                           */
68 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
70 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... time_info_search.incl.pl1 ..... */