1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... tedbcb.incl.pl1 ..... 01/29/82 J Falksen         */
  3 /* UPDATE HISTORY (finally)                                                  */
  4 /* EL#   date       TR        comments                                       */
  5 /* --- 84-10-19 -------- add sws.INPUT                                       */
  6 /* --- 84-10-29 -------- add sws.invoking                                    */
  8 /* if the structure of buf_des changes, tedcommon_.alm and                   */
  9 /*  tedcommon.incl.pl1 must be appropriately changed                         */
 11 dcl 1 buf_des       (all_des) based (bp),  /* buffer part descriptor         */
 12       2 l,                              /* left end (LHE) data (see Note 1)  */
 13         3 ln        fixed bin (21),     /*  line number                      */
 14         3 le        fixed bin (21),     /*  left  end (LE) offset            */
 15         3 re        fixed bin (21),     /*  right end (RE) offset            */
 16       2 r           like buf_des.l;     /* right end (RHE) data              */
 18 /* Note1: buf_des describes 2 slightly different things, buffer parts and    */
 19 /*        addresses. These are the circumstances:                            */
 20 /*                                                                           */
 21 /*                                                                           */
 22 /*                  |...............<buffer>..........................|      */
 23 /*          b.cur.sp|         |..........<window>...........|         |      */
 24 /*        Buffer:   xxxxxxxxxxwwwwwwwwwwwww...<hole>...wwwwwwxxxxxxxxxx      */
 25 /*                            |           |            |    |         |      */
 26 /*                   b.b_.l.le|  b.b_.l.re|   b.b_.r.le|    |     maxl|      */
 27 /*                               b.b_.l.ln|        b.b_.r.le|    maxln|      */
 28 /*                                                 b.b_.r.ln|                */
 29 /*    b.b_.l.ln (if known) tells the # of lines in left part of window       */
 30 /*    b.b_.r.ln (if known) tells the # of lines the whole window             */
 31 /*    b.maxln   (if known) tells the # of lines in the whole buffer          */
 32 /*        Either left or right part may be null. A ^read file                */
 33 /*        is in the right part. A file is always read at the                 */
 34 /*        upper end of the hole. This will usually minimize the              */
 35 /*        amount of data movement during subsequent editing                  */
 36 /*        operations.                                                        */
 37 /*                                                                           */
 38 /* Data movement which occurs within a request, for example substitute, can  */
 39 /*  cause an offset to temporarily point into the hole. This will clear up   */
 40 /*  before the operation is complete.                                        */
 42 /*                                                          N                */
 43 /*        Address:  ....xxxxxxxxxxsssss -- sssssssxxxxxxxxxxL....            */
 44 /*                      |         |              |          |                */
 45 /*                  l.le|     l.re|          r.le|      r.re|                */
 46 /*                            l.ln|                     r.ln|                */
 47 /*        l.re is the beginning of the string addressed.                     */
 48 /*        l.le is the beginning of line containing location l.re             */
 49 /*                  Thus l.ln is related to both l.re and l.le               */
 50 /*        r.re is the end of the string addressed.                           */
 51 /*        r.le is the end of line containing location r.re                   */
 52 /*                  Thus r.ln is related to both r.re and r.le               */
 53 /*        (l.le and r.le relate to the same line when 1 line is addressed)   */
 54 /* In line mode each request starts with     l.re=l.le   &   r.re=r.le       */
 55 /* In string mode a global request forces these conditions.                  */
 57 /*** b_c/b_s reference the string which represents the buffer data.          */
 58 dcl b_c             (b.maxl) char (1) based (b.cur.sp);
 59 dcl b_s             char (b.maxl) based (b.cur.sp);
 61 dcl (live_des       init (8),
 62     all_des         init (13),
 63     reloc_first     init (2),           /* where to begin minus 1            */
 64     reloc_last      init (8)            /* where to stop                     */
 65     )               fixed bin int static options (constant);
 66 dcl bp              ptr;
 67 dcl 1 b             based (bp),         /* ted buffer control block          */
 68       2 b_          like buf_des,       /* defines buffer limits             */
 69       2 newb        like buf_des,       /* pending buffer values             */
 70       2 ex          like buf_des,       /* execution limits                  */
 71       2 a_          (0:2) like buf_des, /* address data                      */
 72                                         /*  (0)  "cur location"              */
 73                                         /*  (1)  1st addr result             */
 74                                         /*  (2)  2nd addr result             */
 75       2 cd          like buf_des,       /* copy destination                  */
 76       2 gb          like buf_des,       /* info for global processing        */
 77       2 newa        like buf_des,       /* pending address values            */
 78                                         /*    ----limit of relocation----    */
 79 /* these are not relocated because they define the relocation data           */
 80       2 rel_temp    like buf_des,       /* hold during relocation            */
 81       2 temp        (0:2) like buf_des, /* hold during [.]addr processing    */
 82       2 old,                            /* where string used to be           */
 83         3 (le,re)   fixed bin (21),     /*   ends of range                   */
 84       2 new         like b.old,         /* where string has gone to          */
 85       2 test        like b.old,         /* allowable relocatable range       */
 86                                         /* (may be 1 or 2 larger than b.old) */
 87       2 cur         like seg_des,       /* CURRENT buffer area info          */
 88                                         /*    (see note 2)                   */
 89       2 pend        like seg_des,       /* PENDING buffer area info          */
 90       2 file_d,                         /* file related data                 */
 91         3 dtcm      bit(36),            /* when read seg was modified        */
 92         3 uid       bit(36),            /* unique ID of segment              */
 93         3 dname     char(168),          /* directory of file                 */
 94         3 ename     char(32),           /* entry of file                     */
 95         3 cname     char(32),           /* component of file                 */
 96         3 kind      char(1)unal,        /* kind of component                 */
 97                                         /* " "-none, ":"-archive             */
 98                                         /*  "|"-superfile                    */
 99         3 sws       unal,
100           4 file_sw         bit(1),     /* 1-file associated                 */
101           4 trust_sw        bit(1),     /* 1-file name trustable             */
102           4 mod_sw          bit(1),     /* 1-buffer has been modified        */
103           4 terminate       bit(1),     /* 1-dp points to file, terminate    */
104           4 get_bit_count   bit(1),     /* 1-get_bit_count before using this */
105                               /*  buffer, it may have been modified by       */
106                               /*  externally via [ted$buffer xx] usage       */
107           4 force_name      bit(1),     /* 1-name has been forced            */
108           4 no_io           bit(1),     /* 1-no r w ^b allowed               */
109                                         /*  (external string edit)           */
110           4 not_pasted      bit(1),     /* 1-data was moved into buffer but  */
111                                         /*  has not been read anywhere       */
112           4 initiate        bit(1),     /* 1-must initiate on restart        */
113                                         /*  (b% and b!)                      */
114           4 ck_ptr_sw       bit(1),     /* 1-if segment is external, must    */
115                                         /*  check pointer before ref         */
116           4 pseudo          bit (1),    /* 1-^read or read-only buffer       */
117           4 INPUT           bit (1),    /* 1-active INPUT mode on buffer     */
118           4 invoking        bit (1),    /* 1-buffer being invoked            */
119           4 fill            bit (14),
120       2 name        char(16),           /* buffer name                       */
121       2 fill        char(27),
122       2 stackl      bit (18)aligned,    /* offset of list of stacked data    */
123       2 stack_o     bit (18)aligned,    /* offset of data being relocated    */
124       2 present     (0:2) bit(1),       /* 1 if addr present                 */
125       2 tw_sw             bit(1),       /* 1-typewriter buffer               */
126       2 bs,                             /* Old-style escapes in this buffer  */
127         3 (c,b,r,f)       bit(1),       /* 1-\031,\030,\036,\034 found       */
128       2 noref             bit(1),       /* 1-not ref'ed, don't list          */
129       2 maxl        fixed bin(21),      /* max buffer length in this AST     */
130       2 maxln       fixed bin(21),      /* number of lines in buffer         */
131       2 state_r     fixed bin(21),      /* what state is request in          */
132       2 (N1,N2,N3)  fixed bin(21),      /* values kept for -safe_ty          */
133       2 state_b     fixed bin(21);      /* what state is buffer change in    */
135 /* Note2: sn=0      means empty because the database segment will never      */
136 /*                  contain a buffer holder                                  */
137 /*        sn=-1 (&^b.terminate) means read-only data, if modification is     */
138 /*                  done, a copy will be made.                               */
139 /*        sn=-1 (& b.terminate) means ^read file, if modification is done    */
140 /*                  the file is read first                                   */
141 /*        sn>0      means a buffer holder segment                            */
143 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... tedbcb.incl.pl1 ..... */