1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... tedbase.incl.pl1 ..... 02/09/82 J Falksen       */
 3 dcl NORMAL          fixed bin (24) int static init (0),
 4     SAFE            fixed bin (24) int static init (1),
 5     COM             fixed bin (24) int static init (2),
 6     RESTART         fixed bin (24) int static init (3);
 8 dcl rc_close        fixed bin (24) int static init (100);
 9 dcl rc_fail         fixed bin (24) int static init (10);
10 dcl rc_nop          fixed bin (24) int static init (2);
11 dcl rc_keyerr       fixed bin (24) int static init (1);
13 /*** the request line as both string and character                           */
14 dcl rl_b            fixed bin (21);     /* where current req begins          */
15 dcl rl_i            fixed bin (21) defined (dbase.rl.l.le);
16 dcl rl_l            fixed bin (21) defined (dbase.rl.l.re);
17 dcl rl_c            (rl_l) char (1) based (dbase.rl.sp);
18 dcl rl_s            char (rl_l) based (dbase.rl.sp);
20 dcl 1 seg_des       based,              /* segment descriptor                */
21       2 sp          ptr,                /* -> segment                        */
22       2 sn          fixed bin,          /* sequence # in dbase               */
23       2 pn          fixed bin,          /* part #, if in pool                */
24       2 ast         fixed bin,          /* size of aste                      */
25       2 mbz         fixed bin;          /* --reserved                        */
29 dcl dbase_p         ptr;
30 dcl dbase_vers_3    fixed bin int static init (3);
31 dcl 1 dbase         based (dbase_p),
32       2 version     fixed bin,
33       2 recurs      fixed bin,          /* recursion level at which active   */
34       2 bwd         ptr,                /* links active db's together        */
35       2 cba_p       ptr,                /* contains addr (cb (1))            */
36       2 eval_p      ptr,                /* contains cb (2).sp                */
37       2 rl,                             /* describes the request buffer      */
38         3 part1     like seg_des,       /* ..its segment                     */
39         3 part2     like buf_des,       /* ..its limits                      */
40       2 seg_p       (-1:72) ptr,        /* list of segment pointers          */
41                                         /* seg_p(-1)is a temp for restart    */
42                                         /* seg_p(0) is the database          */
43                                         /* seg_p(1) is the 1K/4K pool        */
44                                         /* seg_p(2) is reserved for 16K pool */
45                                         /* seg_p(3) is reserved for call_stk */
46       2 inuse_seg   bit (72) aligned,   /* which segments (1:72) are in use  */
47                                         /* seg_p(0) is ALWAYS in use         */
48       2 inuse_1K    bit (16) aligned,   /* which 1K buffers are in use       */
49       2 inuse_4K    bit (12) aligned,   /* which 4K buffers are in use       */
50       2 inuse_16K   bit (4) aligned,    /* which 16K buffers are in use      */
51       2 reset       label,              /* where to go on a reset condition  */
52       2 time        fixed bin (71),     /* time request id is based on       */
53       2 seg_ct      fixed bin,          /* how many segments in use          */
54                                         /* seg_p (0)--database               */
55                                         /* seg_p (1)--4K pool (64K total)    */
56                                         /* seg_p (2)--16K pool (64K total)   */
57       2 argct       fixed bin,          /* how many args to ted              */
58       2 S_count     fixed bin,          /* # matches on last substitute      */
59       2 not_read_ct fixed bin,          /* how many "not-read" files         */
60       2 at_break    fixed bin,          /* 1-break pending, 2-break entered  */
61       2 bufnum      fixed bin,          /* how many buffer control blocks    */
62       2 lock        bit (36),           /* to find if active (set LAST!)     */
63       2 cb_c_r      bit (18) aligned,   /* offset of current buffer          */
64       2 cb_w_r      bit (18) aligned,   /* offset of buffer being worked on  */
65       2 sws,
66         3 flow_sw   bit (1) unal,       /* -label specified                  */
67         3 break_sw  bit (1) unal,       /* -break specified                  */
68         3 edit_sw   bit (1) unal,       /* -trace_edit specified             */
69         3 input_sw  bit (1) unal,       /* -trace_input                      */
70         3 old_style bit (1) unal,       /* 1-old-style escapes allowed       */
71         3 remote_sw bit (1) unal,       /* 1-not in home_dir                 */
72         3 read_sw   bit (1) unal,       /* 1-always read files               */
73         3 lit_sw    bit (1) unal,       /* 1-expressions are literal         */
74         3 fill      bit (28) unal,
75       2 tedname     char (32) var,      /* name under which ted_ was called  */
76       2 comment     char (256)var,      /* user ident of environment         */
77       2 err_msg     char (168)var,
78       2 regexp      char (500),         /* holds the remembered regular expr */
79                                         /*  is placed here to get word       */
80                                         /*  alignment                        */
81       2 dir_db      char (168),         /* where work segments live          */
82       2 person      char (22),          /* who started                       */
83       2 project     char (9),           /* ...this environment               */
84       2 nulreq      char (2),           /* what is null request (p|P|!p)     */
85       2 err_go      char (16),          /* label to go to on error           */
86       2 rq_id       char (19),          /* request id for this               */
87       2 stk_info,
88         3 curp      ptr,                /* pointer to current buffer         */
89         3 top       ptr,                /* pointer to top of stack           */
90         3 level     fixed bin (21),     /* recursion depth                   */
91         3 next      fixed bin (21);
92       /* next space available in stack     */
95 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... tedbase.incl.pl1 .....                             */