1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... ted_support.incl.pl1 ..... 03/16/81              */
  3 /* more information may be found in ted_support.gi.info                      */
  5 dcl  ted_support_p ptr;
  6 dcl ted_support_version_2 fixed bin int static init(2);
  7 dcl 1 ted_support based(ted_support_p),
  8     2 version fixed bin,      /* 1                                           */
  9     2 addr_ct fixed bin,      /* number of addresses given: 0,1,2       (IN) */
 10     2 checkpoint entry (      /* routine to update "safe" status        (IN) */
 11           fixed bin(21),      /* amount of input used up                     */
 12           fixed bin(21)),     /* amount of output used up                    */
 14     2 inp,                    /***** input string parameters                 */
 15                               /* The input data may NOT be modified.         */
 16       3 pt ptr,               /* pointer to base of data string         (IN) */
 17       3 sb fixed bin(21),     /* index of addressed string begin        (IN) */
 18       3 lno fixed bin(21),    /* linenumber in data string of sb        (IN) */
 19       3 se fixed bin(21),     /* index of addressed string end      (IN/OUT) */
 20       3 de fixed bin(21),     /* index of data end                      (IN) */
 22     2 out,                    /***** output string parameters                */
 23       3 pt ptr,               /* pointer to base of output string       (IN) */
 24       3 de fixed bin(21),     /* index of data end (already copied) (IN/OUT) */
 25       3 ml fixed bin(21),     /* max length of output string            (IN) */
 27     2 req,                    /***** request string parameters               */
 28       3 pt ptr,               /* pointer to base of request string      (IN) */
 29       3 cc fixed bin(21),     /* index of current character             (IN) */
 30       3 nc fixed bin(21),     /* index of next character            (IN/OUT) */
 31       3 de fixed bin(21),     /* index of data end                  (IN/OUT) */
 32       3 ml fixed bin(21),     /* max length of requsest buffer          (IN) */
 34 /* req.nc is initialized to req.de, i.e.  request line used-up.  A routine   */
 35 /* can set req.nc to 1, put some data into req and set req.de                */
 36 /* appropriately.  The data will be the next ted requests executed after     */
 37 /* the routine returns.                                                      */
 39 /* Or if req.nc is set equal to req.cc then the rest of the request line     */
 40 /* will be executed after return.                                            */
 42     2 string_mode bit(1),     /* 0- line mode, 1- string mode           (IN) */
 43     2 current fixed bin(21),  /* current location                   (IN/OUT) */
 44                               /* current is initialized to "undefined"       */
 45     2 get_req entry (),       /* fill the request string with the next line  */
 46                               /*  from ted's input stream. req.de will be    */
 47                               /*  updated to reflect the new length.         */
 48                               /* req.cc and req.nc are not changed.          */
 49     2 proc_expr entry         /* process the expression for global execution */
 50           (ptr,               /* -> ted_support structure               [IN] */
 51           char (168) var,     /* message text                          [OUT] */
 52           fixed bin (35)),    /* completion code                       [OUT] */
 53     2 do_global entry         /* globally execute some action                */
 54           (entry (),          /* worker procedure                       [IN] */
 55           char (1),           /* which action, "g" or "v"               [IN] */
 56           ptr,                /* -> ted_support structure               [IN] */
 57           char (168) var,     /* message text                          [OUT] */
 58           fixed bin (35)),    /* completion code                       [OUT] */
 59     2 reg_exp_p ptr,          /* -> the remembered regular expression area   */
 60     2 bcb_p ptr;              /* -> buffer control block                     */
 61 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 62 /*                             ENTRY CONDITIONS                              */
 63 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 64 /* Upon entering, three substructures describe the environment in which the  */
 65 /* request is to operate. (Refer to the INPUT diagram) Note that the         */
 66 /* "normal" operational steps are:                                           */
 67 /* 1) ted copies the string from 1:inp.sb-1 to the output string             */
 68 /* 2) ted_xyz_ takes care of the data from inp.sb:inp.se                     */
 69 /* 3) ted copies the string from inp.se+1:inp.de to the output string        */
 70 /* 4) ted sets "." as (possibly) specified by xyz                            */
 72 /* The following 3 diagrams represent conditions upon entering ted_xyz_:     */
 73 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 74 /*               req.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
 75 /*                  |                                                        */
 76 /* [REQUEST]        x 2,3|req /farfle/ 1,$P\.......................          */
 77 /*                            |            |                      |          */
 78 /*                         req.cc       req.de                 req.ml        */
 79 /*                                      req.nc                               */
 80 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 81 /*               inp.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
 82 /*                  |                                                        */
 83 /* [INPUT]          now is\the time\for all\good men\to come.\.....          */
 84 /*                         |               |                 |               */
 85 /*                      inp.sb          inp.se            inp.de             */
 86 /* The request may make no modifications to the input string. It may make no */
 87 /*  assumptions about its location, i.e. that it occupies a segment all by   */
 88 /*  itself.                                                                  */
 89 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 90 /*               out.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
 91 /*                  |                                                        */
 92 /* [OUTPUT]  ?      now is\........................................          */
 93 /*           |            |                                       |          */
 94 /*        current      out.de                                  out.ml        */
 95 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 97 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
 98 /*                             EXIT CONDITIONS                               */
 99 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
100 /* Assume a request replaces each addressed line with the string following   */
101 /* it, (in this case "farfle") and leaves "." at the beginning of the range. */
102 /*               out.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
103 /*                  |                                                        */
104 /* [OUTPUT]         now is\farfle\farfle\..........................          */
105 /*                         |            |                         |          */
106 /*                     current       out.de                    out.ml        */
108 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
109 /* 1) If the data after the string are to be treated as more ted requests,   */
110 /*  the request data would be left like this.                                */
111 /*               req.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
112 /*                  |                                                        */
113 /* [REQUEST]        x 2,3|req /farfle/ 1,$P\.......................          */
114 /*                                     |   |                      |          */
115 /*                                req.nc   req.de              req.ml        */
116 /* _________________________________________________________________________ */
117 /* 2) If the request is going to return a string to be executed, the request */
118 /*  data (and buffer) would be left like this:                               */
119 /*               req.pt                 (\ represents NL)                    */
120 /*                  |                                                        */
121 /* [REQUEST]        -1,.1p w\ /farfle/ 1,$P\.......................          */
122 /*                  |       |                                     |          */
123 /*               req.nc  req.de                                req.ml        */
125 /* These are special return codes relating to ted:                           */
126 dcl (tederror_table_$Copy_Set,/* copy rest of input to output, and set "."   */
127                               /*  from current. "rest of input" is the       */
128                               /*  string which begins at char inp.se+1 and   */
129                               /*  extends to inp.de. If the input has all    */
130                               /*  been processed, then inp.se should be set  */
131                               /*  to inp.de+1.                               */
132      tederror_table_$NoChange,/* dont copy, dont set current                 */
133      tederror_table_$Set,     /* dont copy, set current (in input buffer)    */
134      tederror_table_$Error_Msg,/* msg is being returned.                     */
135                               /*  no copy or set is done                     */
136      tederror_table_$No_Delim1,/* missing 1st delimiter                      */
137      tederror_table_$No_Delim2,/* missing 2nd delimiter                      */
138      tederror_table_$No_Delim3)/* missing 3nd delimiter                      */
139                     fixed bin(35)ext static;
140 /* Any other codes returned must be standard system codes.                   */
141 dcl  error_table_$unimplemented_version fixed bin(35) ext static;
143 dcl  istr char(inp.de) based(inp.pt);   /* the input string                  */
144 dcl  ichr(inp.de) char(1) based(inp.pt);
145 dcl  ostr char(out.ml) based(out.pt);   /* the output string                 */
146 dcl  ochr(out.ml) char(1) based(out.pt);
147 dcl  rstr char(req.ml) based(req.pt);   /* the request string                */
148 dcl  rchr(req.ml) char(1) based(req.pt);
150 /* These declarations are used if the expression search is needed by the     */
151 /* request. There are 2 parts to getting an expression search done:          */
152 /*        1) compiling        2) searching                                   */
153 /* If a function uses the remembered expression, it does this:               */
154 /*        call tedsrch_$search (ted_support.reg_exp_p,                       */
155 /*          ted_support.bcbp, string_begin, string_end, match_begin,         */
156 /*          match_end, search_end, msg, code);                               */
158 /* If a function utilizes an expression the user supplies, it must first be  */
159 /* compiled:
160 /*        if (expression_length > 0)                                         */
161 /*        then call tedsrch_$compile (addr (ichr (expression_begin)),        */
162 /*          expression_length, ted_support.reg_exp_p,                        */
163 /*          ted_support.string_mode, ""b, msg, code);                        */
164 /* This results in the remembered expression being changed to the one just   */
165 /* compiled.                                                                 */
167 /* If a function wishes to utilize a function without it being remembered    */
168 /* by ted, it may declare an area of its own and compile into it. It first   */
169 /* must be initialized:                                                      */
170 /*        dcl expr_area (200) bit (36);                                      */
171 /*        call tedsrch_$init_exp (addr (expr_area), size (expr_area));       */
172 %include tedsrch_;
174 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... ted_support.incl.pl1 .....                         */