3 dcl iti fixed bin;
5 current_state = 1;
6 lst, ps_top = 0;
7 la_put, la_get = 1;
8 la_ct = 0;
11 NEXT:
12 if (current_state = 0)
13 then do;
14 done_parse:
15 finish:
16 if db_eval
17 then call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, " **FINI**^2/");
18 code = 0;
19 ain_l = nc - 1;
20 return;
21 end;
22 current_table = current_state;
23 string (db_data) = "";
24 db_data.state = current_state;
25 (subscriptrange):
26 goto CASE (DPDA.v1 (current_table));
28 CASE (3):
29 current_table = DPDA.v2 (current_table);
30 CASE (1):
31 la_use = mod (la_get + la_need - 1, -lbound (ls, 1)) + 1;
32 if (la_need = -lbound (ls, 1))
33 then signal condition (lastk_ovflo);
34 dcl lastk_ovflo condition;
35 la_need = la_need + 1;
36 goto read_look;
38 CASE (10):
39 current_table = DPDA.v2 (current_table);
41 CASE (9):
42 db_data.type = "READ";
43 la_need = 1;
44 la_use = la_get;
45 goto read_look;
46 CASE (2):
47 current_table = DPDA.v2 (current_table);
49 CASE (0):
50 db_data.type = "READ";
51 db_data.flag = "*";
52 la_need = 1;
53 la_use = la_get;
54 if (ps_top = hbound (parse_stack, 1))
55 then signal condition (pstk_ovflo);
56 dcl pstk_ovflo condition;
57 ps_top = ps_top + 1;
58 parse_stack (ps_top) = current_state;
59 cur_lex_top (ps_top) = lst;
60 read_look:
61 do while (la_ct < la_need);
62 ls.symbol (-la_put) = scanner ();
63 la_put = mod (la_put, -lbound (ls, 1)) + 1;
64 la_ct = la_ct + 1;
65 end;
66 test_symbol = ls.symbol (-la_use);
67 if (test_symbol = 56) & (current_state ^= 1)
68 then do;
69 ps_top = ps_top + 1;
70 parse_stack (ps_top) = current_state;
71 next_state = -1;
72 ind = ind + 2;
73 goto got_symbol;
74 end;
75 else do i = current_table + 1
76 to current_table + DPDA.v2 (current_table);
77 if (DPDA.v1 (i) = test_symbol)
78 then do;
79 next_state = DPDA.v2 (i);
80 goto got_symbol;
81 end;
82 end;
85 error:
86 if db_eval
87 then do;
88 db_data.type = "ERR";
89 db_data.data = getermc (test_symbol, la_get);
90 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, "^vx^a^/", ind,
91 string (db_data));
92 end;
93 msg = "Vxx) Syntax- eval. ";
94 err_text:
95 iti = input.loc1 (0);
96 input.loc1 (level) = nc;
97 input.loc0 (level) = lgnc;
98 msg = msg || """";
99 do i = 0 to level;
100 if (i ^= 0)
101 then msg = msg || "
102 ";
103 msg = msg || substr (input.pt (i) -> is,
104 input.loc0 (i), input.loc1 (i) - input.loc0 (i));
105 end;
106 msg = msg || """";
107 err_ret:
108 code = 10;
109 return;
111 got_symbol:
112 if db_eval
113 then do;
114 if (next_state < 0)
115 then do;
116 db_data.type = "LK01";
117 db_look = la_need;
118 db_data.data = geterm (test_symbol, 0);
122 end;
123 else do;
124 db_data.data = getermc (test_symbol, la_get);
128 end;
129 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, "^vx^a^/", ind,
130 string (db_data));
131 end;
132 current_state = next_state;
133 if (current_state < 0) then do;
134 current_state = -current_state;
135 end;
136 else do;
137 if (lst = hbound (ls, 1))
138 then signal condition (lstk_ovflo);
139 dcl lstk_ovflo condition;
140 lst = lst + 1;
141 ls (lst) = ls (-la_get);
142 if db_eval then call dump_ls;
143 la_get = mod (la_get, -lbound (ls, 1)) + 1;
144 la_ct = la_ct - 1;
145 end;
146 goto NEXT;
148 CASE (7):
149 msg = "CASE7 encountered.";
150 goto err_text;
152 CASE (8):
153 msg = "CASE8 encountered.";
154 goto err_text;
156 CASE (4):
157 CASE (5):
158 CASE (6):
159 la_need = 1;
160 p_del = DPDA.v1 (current_table + 1);
161 l_del = DPDA.v2 (current_table + 1);
162 rulen = DPDA.v1 (current_table + 2);
163 altn = DPDA.v2 (current_table + 2);
164 if (rulen > 0)
165 then call ted_vtab_ (rulen, altn);
166 if db_eval
167 then do;
168 db_data.type = "APLY";
169 db_data.data = "(";
170 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, "^vx^a^i ^i)", ind,
171 string (db_data), rulen, altn);
172 end;
173 if ex_sw
174 then do;
175 if db_eval
176 then call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, "[ex]");
177 p_del = p_del + 2;
178 l_del = l_del + 1;
179 end;
180 if db_eval
181 then do;
182 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, "^-pd=^i ld=^i(",
183 p_del, l_del);
184 do t = ps_top to ps_top - p_del + 1 by -1;
185 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, " ^d",
186 parse_stack (t));
187 end;
188 call ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl (db_output, ")^/");
189 end;
190 if (DPDA.v1 (current_table + 1) = -1)
191 then parse_stack (ps_top + 1) = current_table;
192 ps_top = ps_top - p_del;
193 lst = lst - l_del;
194 if db_eval then call dump_ls;
196 dump_ls: proc;
197 call ioa_
198 ("ls(^i)=^p,^3i [^i] ^i-^[aexp ^s^i^;cat ^p,^i,^i^;lexp ^s^i^]",
199 lst, ls(lst).symptr, ls(lst).symlen, ls(lst).symbol, ls(lst).type,
200 ls(lst).type+1, ls(lst).pt, ls(lst).num, ls(lst).loc);
201 end dump_ls;
202 if ex_sw
203 then do;
204 ex_sw = "0"b;
205 current_state = parse_stack (ps_top + 1);
206 ind = ind - 2;
207 goto NEXT;
208 end;
209 if (DPDA.v1 (current_state) = 6)
210 then do;
211 current_table = DPDA.v2 (current_table + 3);
212 end;
213 jaf = parse_stack (ps_top);
214 do i = current_table + 4 to current_table + DPDA.v2 (current_table);
215 if (DPDA.v1 (i) = jaf)
216 then do;
217 current_state = DPDA.v2 (i);
218 goto NEXT;
219 end;
220 end;
221 current_state = DPDA.v2 (current_table + 3);
222 goto NEXT;
224 dcl (addr, mod, fixed) builtin;
225 dcl db_look pic "99" defined (db_data.type) pos (3);
226 dcl 1 db_data,
227 2 flag char (1),
228 2 state pic "zzz9",
229 2 fil1 char (2),
230 2 type char (6),
231 2 data char (100);
232 dcl ioa_$ioa_switch_nnl entry options (variable);
233 dcl iox_$user_output ptr ext static;
234 dcl 1 ls (-4:50),
236 2 symptr ptr,
237 2 symlen fixed bin (21),
238 2 line fixed bin (21),
239 2 symbol fixed bin (21),
240 2 pt ptr,
241 2 mask bit (36),
242 2 type fixed bin,
243 2 num fixed bin (21),
244 2 loc fixed bin (21);
246 dcl (ABREV init (-1),
247 AEXP init (0),
248 CAT init (1),
249 LEXP init (2)
250 ) fixed bin (21) int static options (constant);
251 dcl lst fixed bin (21);
252 dcl cur_lex_top (100) fixed bin;
254 dcl parse_stack (100) fixed bin;
255 dcl altn fixed bin (21);
256 dcl current_state fixed bin;
257 dcl test_symbol fixed bin;
258 dcl current_table fixed bin;
259 dcl i fixed bin (21);
260 dcl la_ct fixed bin;
261 dcl la_get fixed bin;
262 dcl la_need fixed bin;
263 dcl la_put fixed bin;
264 dcl la_use fixed bin (22);
265 dcl next_state fixed bin;
266 dcl nil_sym fixed bin;
267 dcl ps_top fixed bin;
268 dcl recov_msg char (150) var;
269 dcl rulen fixed bin (21);
270 dcl t fixed bin (21);
271 dcl jaf fixed bin (21);
272 dcl ioa_ entry options (variable);
273 dcl (l_del, p_del) fixed bin;
275 geterm: proc (idx, ids) returns (char (100) var);
277 dcl (idx, ids) fixed bin;
278 dcl temp char (100) var;
279 dcl c_str char (20000) based;
281 temp = "";
282 get_rest:
283 if (ids > 0)
284 then if (ls (-ids).symlen > 0)
285 then do;
286 temp = temp || """";
287 temp = temp || substr (ls (-ids).symptr -> c_str,
288 1, min (50, ls (-ids).symlen));
289 temp = temp || """";
290 return (temp);
291 end;
292 if (idx = 0)
293 then temp = "
294 else temp = substr (TC, TL.pt (idx), TL.ln (idx));
295 return (temp);
296 getermc: entry (idx, ids) returns (char (100) var);
298 if (idx = 0)
299 then temp = "
300 else temp = substr (TC, TL.pt (idx), TL.ln (idx));
301 temp = temp || " ";
302 goto get_rest;
303 end;