1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... tcs.incl.pl1 */
 3 dcl 1 tcs based (tcsp) aligned,                             /* Structure of the Tape Communication Segment */
 4     2 nents fixed bin,                                      /* Number of entries in table */
 5     2 mount_proc bit (36),                                  /* Process id of mount-handling process */
 6     2 mount_chan fixed bin (71),                            /* Event channel used for mount requests */
 7     2 n_mounted fixed bin,                                  /* Current number of reels mounted */
 8     2 n_pending fixed bin,                                  /* Current number of mounts pending */
 9     2 freep fixed bin,                                      /* index of free chain begin */
10     2 lock bit (36),                                        /* tcs sync lock */
11     2 pad (24) fixed bin,
12     2 array (100),                                          /* array of per-request entries */
13       3 fill (128) fixed bin;                               /* 128 words each */
15 dcl 1 tsb based (tsbp) aligned,                             /* Description of a single request */
16     2 state fixed bin,                                      /* State of request */
17     2 procid bit (36),                                      /* User process id */
18     2 evchn fixed bin (71),                                 /* user event channel */
19     2 uname char (24),                                      /* user person id */
20     2 uproj char (12),                                      /* user project */
21     2 tape_reel_id char (16),                               /* tape reel identification */
22     2 drive_id fixed bin,                                   /* drive id */
23     2 channel_id fixed bin,                                 /* which tape channel */
24     2 devx fixed bin,                                       /* device index, for hardcore */
25     2 authentication char (4),                              /* authentication code */
26     2 switches,                                             /* tcs indicators */
27       3 attsw bit (1) unal,                                 /* 1 if tape drive has been assigned */
28       3 comment bit (1) unal,                               /* is 1 if user comment msg */
29     2 time_requested fixed bin (71),                        /* time request made */
30     2 time_mounted fixed bin (71),                          /* time operator said go */
31     2 time_dismount fixed bin (71),                         /* dismount time */
32     2 flags,                                                /* special flags about tape */
33       3 not_multics_standard bit (1) unal,                  /* 1 if not in std format */
34       3 os_label bit (1) unal,                              /* 1 if OS/VS standard label */
35       3 ans_label bit (1) unal,                             /* 1 if ANSI standard label */
36       3 no_label bit (1) unal,                              /* 1 if unlabeled */
37       3 not_yet_labeled bit (1) unal,                       /* 1 if blank tape */
38       3 no_label_check bit (1) unal,                        /* 1 if don't try to check label */
39       3 no_authenticate bit (1) unal,                       /* 1 if authentication not required */
40       3 small_reel bit (1) unal,                            /* 1 if not standard reel size */
41       3 seven_track bit (1) unal,                           /* 1 if seven-track */
42       3 not_high_density bit (1) unal,                      /* 1 if not highest density */
43       3 has_retention_date bit (1) unal,                    /* 1 if tape is date protected */
44       3 has_access_indicator bit (1) unal,                  /* 1 if special access control */
45       3 tape_mark bit (1) unal,                             /* 1 if tape mark should not be wrtten on salvage */
46       3 unreg     bit (1) unal,                             /* 1 if tape is not registered */
48     2 mount_message char (120) aligned,                     /* text of mount request */
49     2 qualifiers char(16)aligned,                           /* What else user said about volume */
50     2 tape_label char (80),                                 /* label as read from tape */
51     2 mode char (32),                                       /* attached tape mode */
52     2 density fixed bin,                                    /* recording density if not high */
53     2 comm_msg char (120) aligned,                          /* user comment message */
54     2 magnetic_label char (8),                              /* magnetic label if different from slot number */
55     2 vdsp ptr,
56     2 pad (1) fixed bin,
57     2 chain fixed bin;                                      /* next free tcs index (next tsb entry) */
59 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... tcs.incl.pl1 */