1 /* ***********************************************************
 2    *                                                         *
 3    * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1982 *
 4    *                                                         *
 5    *********************************************************** */
 6 /* Begin include file task_create_data.incl.pl1 */
 8 declare  task_create_data_version_3 fixed bin static init (3) options (constant);
 9 declare  task_create_data_ptr pointer automatic;
10 declare 1 task_create_data aligned based (task_create_data_ptr),
11         2 version fixed bin,                                /* this is version 3 */
12         2 overseer variable entry (pointer),
13         2 data_ptr pointer,                                 /* pointer to be passed to overseer */
14         2 vcpu_limit fixed bin (71),                        /* CPU limit if any */
15         2 priority fixed bin,                               /* for task scheduler */
16         2 comment char (64),                                /* for humans */
17                                                             /* end of version 2 structure */
18         2 flags,
19           3 top_level bit (1) unaligned,                    /* this is an independent task */
20           3 shared_static bit (1) unaligned;                /* shares static with creator */
22 /* End include file task_create_data.incl.pl1 */