1 /*        Begin  include file ... tape_mult_seg.incl.pl1
 2 *
 3 *         Created by  Bill Silver  on 10/20/74
 4 *         This include file defines the temporary segment that is used by the Multics
 5 *         standard tape I/O Module, tape_mult_.  This segment is created in the user's
 6 *         process directory each time the user attaches a tape.  This include file must
 7 *         be used with the include files:  tmdb.incl.pl1, mstr.incl.pl1 and tseg.incl.pl1.
 8 */
 9 dcl       tms_ptr             ptr;                /* Pointer to tape_mult_ segment. */
11 dcl    1  tape_mult_seg  based(tms_ptr)  aligned, /* Base of segment. */
13           2  tmdb   like      tmdb,               /* tape_mult_ data block. */
15           2  tseg   like      tseg;               /* Tape DCM communications data. */
17 /*        End of include file ... tape_mult_seg.incl.pl1    */