1 /* Begin include file ..... tape_ioi_buffer_status.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This structure defines the data returned by tape_ioi_$buffer_status */
 4 /* Modified April 1982 by Chris Jones */
 5 /* Modified 2 February 1983 by Chris Jones to add support for reserved buffers. */
 6 /* format: style4,delnl,insnl,indattr,ifthen,declareind10,dclind10 */
 7 dcl       tbs_ptr                ptr;
 9 dcl       1 tbs                  aligned based (tbs_ptr),
10             2 version            fixed bin,
11             2 state              fixed bin,
12             2 buffer_len         fixed bin (21),
13             2 data_len           fixed bin (21),
14             2 bit_count          fixed bin (24),
15             2 channel_inst       bit (6),
16             2 data_mode          char (4),
17             (
18             2 align_mode         bit (1),
19             2 length_mode        bit (1),
20             2 recovery_mode      bit (1),
21             2 reserved bit (1),
22             2 pad                bit (32)
23             )                    unal;
25 dcl       TBS_VERSION_1          fixed bin internal static init (1) options (constant);
27 dcl       TBS_VERSION            fixed bin internal static init (1) options (constant);
29 dcl       READY_STATE            fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
30 dcl       QUEUED_STATE           fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
31 dcl       SUSPENDED_STATE        fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
32 dcl READY_AND_RESERVED_STATE fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
34 /* End include file ..... tape_ioi_buffer_status.incl.pl1 */