3 dcl 1 error_control_table (56) aligned internal static options (constant),
4 2 severity fixed bin (17) aligned initial (
5 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
6 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,
7 3, 3, 2, 2),
8 2 Soutput_stmt bit (1) unaligned initial (
9 "0"b, (55) (1) "1"b),
10 2 message char (252) varying initial (
11 "The control file contains no statements.",
12 "The control file does not begin with a Volume statement.",
13 "The control file does not end with an End statement.",
14 "The Volume statement has prematurely terminated the previous volume-group.
15 An End statement has been supplied.;",
16 "A syntax error has occured in this statement.",
17 "Invalid volume specification.",
18 "Invalid density specification.",
19 "Invalid tape mode specification.",
20 "Invalid record format specification.",
21 "Invalid physical block length specification.",
22 "Invalid logical record length specification.",
23 "Invalid file format specified.",
24 "Invalid pathname.",
25 "Illegal Density statement.
26 A volume-group can contain only one Density statement.",
27 "The logical record length specified is not allowed.
28 For F, D, or V format, the logical record length must equal the physical block length.",
29 "The physical block length specified is not allowed.
30 For FB format, the physical block length must be an integral multiple of the logical record length.",
31 "An invalid combination of logical record length and physical block length has been specified.
32 For DB or VB format, the logical record length cannot exceed the physical block length.",
33 "A file-group must contain a File statement.",
34 "Generate output mode is not allowed for IBM tapes.",
35 "Illegal Tape statement.
36 A volume-group can contain only one Tape statement.",
37 "Invalid Tape specification.",
38 "Invalid expiration date.",
39 "The specified pathname is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
40 "A file-group must contain a path statement.",
41 "A volume-set may consist of at most 64 volume identifiers.",
42 "A logical record length cannot be specified for U format tapes.",
43 "The specified storage_extend statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
44 "Physical block length specifications must be a multiple of 4.",
45 "The file identifier must be * for unlabeled tapes.",
46 "The replace statement is not permitted with unlabeled tapes.",
47 "A numeric file number is required for unlabeled volume-sets.",
48 "The extend statement is not permitted with unlabeled tapes.",
49 "The specified Storage statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
50 "The specified Expires statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
51 "The -force control argument cannot be specified for unlabelled volume-sets.",
52 "A file identifier of * is not permitted for output volume-sets.",
53 "The file identifier specified is not valid.",
54 "The specified output mode is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
55 "The tape_extend and expiration statements may not be specified in the same file-group.",
56 "The modify and expiration statements may not be specified in the same file-group.",
57 "A file identifier or file number must be specified for each file-group.",
58 "<file-group> contains inconsistencies.",
59 "A physical block length must be specified for U format volume-sets.",
60 "The specified Mode statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
61 "The specified Format statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
62 "The specified Block statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
63 "The specified Record statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
64 "Invalid file number specified. Valid values are ""*"" or a decimal integer from 1 to 9999.",
65 "A numeric file number must be specified with tape_extend, generate, or modify.",
66 "A local statement has been encountered outside a file-group.
67 Statement ignored.",
68 "The specified number statement is in conflict with previous statement(s).",
69 "No file group has been specified for the preceding volume-group.",
70 "Invalid file identifier. A file identifier of * is only permitted for input or unlabeled volume-sets.",
71 "Missing file number.",
72 "The modify statement is not permitted with unlabeled tapes.",
73 "The expiration statement is not permitted with unlabeled tapes."),
74 2 brief_message char (4) varying initial ((56) (1) " ");