1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:  tape_file_status.incl.pl1         */
 3 dcl  tfstat_ptr pointer;
 5 dcl 1 tape_file_status based (tfstat_ptr),
 6     2 state fixed bin,                 /* 0 - no information available */
 7                                        /* 1 - file not open            */
 8                                        /* 2 - file open (unlocked)     */
 9                                        /* 3 - file open (event locked) */
10     2 event_code fixed bin (35),       /* 0 if file_status.state ^= 3  */
11                                        /* otherwise, an error code     */
12     2 file_id char (17),               /* file identifier              */
13     2 file_seq fixed bin,              /* file sequence number         */
14     2 cur_section fixed bin,           /* file section number of current or */
15                                        /* last file section processed       */
16     2 cur_volume char (6),             /* volume name of volume on which current */
17                                        /* or last file section processed resides */
18     2 generation fixed bin,            /* generation number                 */
19     2 version fixed bin,               /* generation version number         */
20     2 creation char (5),               /* creation date in Julian form (yyddd) */
21     2 expiration char (5),             /* expiration date in Julian form */
22     2 format_code fixed bin,           /* 1 - undefined records          */
23                                        /* 2 - fixed-length records       */
24                                        /* 3 - variable-length records    */
25                                        /* 4 - spanned records            */
26     2 blklen fixed bin,                /* actual or maximum block length */
27     2 reclen fixed bin (21),           /* actual or maximum record length */
28     2 blocked bit (1),                 /* "0"b - unblocked records */
29                                        /* "1"b - blocked records   */
30     2 mode fixed bin,                  /* 1 - ASCII  */
31                                        /* 2 - EBCDIC */
32                                        /* 3 - binary */
33     2 cur_blkcnt fixed bin (35);       /* current or total number of blocks */
34                                        /* read or written                   */
36 /*  END INCLUDE FILE:  tape_file_status.incl.pl1             */