1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:  tape_ansi_fl.incl.pl1              */
 3 dcl 1 fl aligned based (cseg.flP),                          /* file chain link */
 4     2 backP ptr init (null),                                /* pointer to previous link in chain, or null if 1st */
 5     2 nextP ptr init (null),                                /* pointer to next link in chain, or null if last */
 6     2 flX fixed bin init (0),                               /* index of this link within file chain */
 7     2 vlX fixed bin init (0),                               /* volume link index */
 9     2 HDR2 bit (1) init ("0"b),                             /* "1"b if file has HDR2 label */
10     2 eox fixed bin init (0),                               /* 0 - trailer labels not yet processed */
11                                                             /* 1 - trailer labels are EOF */
12                                                             /* 2 - trailer labels are EOV */
14     2 hdr1,                                                 /* HDR1 data */
15       3 file_id char (17),                                  /* file identifier */
16       3 set_id char (32),                                   /* reel id of 1st volume of multi-volume set */
17       3 canonical_set_id char (6) unaligned,                /* reel id in canonical format */
18       3 section fixed bin,                                  /* file section number (intra-file) */
19       3 sequence fixed bin,                                 /* file sequence number (inter-file) */
20       3 generation fixed bin,                               /* file generation number */
21       3 version fixed bin,                                  /* generation version number */
22       3 creation char (5),                                  /* Julian creation date "yyddd" */
23       3 expiration char (5),                                /* Julian expiration date */
24       3 access char (1),                                    /* file accessability code */
25       3 blkcnt fixed bin (35),                              /* number of data blocks - in EOx1 */
26       3 system char (13),                                   /* system/IO module code */
28     2 hdr2,                                                 /* HDR2 data */
29       3 format fixed bin init (0),                          /* logical record format code */
30                                                             /* 1 - U format                               */
31                                                             /* 2 - F format                               */
32                                                             /* 3 - D format (ANSI) / V format (IBM)       */
33                                                             /* 4 - S format (ANSI) / V spanned (IBM)      */
34       3 blklen fixed bin init (0),                          /* actual/maximum physical block length */
35       3 reclen fixed bin (21) init (0),                     /* actual/maximum logical record length */
36       3 next_volname char (32) init ("") unaligned,         /* volume name of next volume */
37       3 canonical_next_volname char (6) init ("") unal,     /* in canonical format */
38       3 blocked bit (1) init ("0"b),                        /* "0"b - unblocked / "1"b - blocked */
39       3 mode fixed bin init (0),                            /* file data recording mode */
40                                                             /* 1 - ASCII, 9 mode  */
41                                                             /* 2 - EBCDIC, 9mode  */
42                                                             /* 3 - binary           */
43       3 bo fixed bin init (0),                              /* ANSI buffer offset: # of chars preceding each block */
44       3 cc char (1) init (" ");                             /* IBM HDR2 control characters code */
46 /*  END INCLUDE FILE:  tape_ansi_fl.incl.pl1                */