1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... system_link_names.incl.pl1 */
 5   1) change(86-06-24,DGHowe), approve(86-06-24,MCR7396), audit(86-11-12,Zwick),
 6      install(86-11-20,MR12.0-1222):
 7      added the declaration of the heap_header.
 8   2) change(86-10-20,DGHowe), approve(86-10-20,MCR7420), audit(86-11-12,Zwick),
 9      install(86-11-20,MR12.0-1222):
10      add the seg ptr to the variable node structure.
11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
14 /* created by M. Weaver 7/28/76 */
15 /* Modified: 82-11-19 by T. Oke to add LIST_TEMPLATE_INIT. */
16 /* Modified 02/11/83 by M. Weaver to add have_vla_variables flag */
19 dcl 1 variable_table_header aligned based,        /* header for name table */
20      2 hash_table (0:63) ptr unaligned,           /* hash table for variable nodes */
21      2 total_search_time fixed bin (71),          /* total time to search for variables */
22      2 total_allocation_time fixed bin (71),      /* total time spent allocating and initializing nodes and variables */
23      2 number_of_searches fixed bin,              /* number of times names were looked up */
24      2 number_of_variables fixed bin (35),        /* number of variables allocated by the linker, incl deletions */
25      2 flags unaligned,
26         3 have_vla_variables bit (1) unaligned,   /* on if some variables are > sys_info$max_seg_size */
27         3 pad bit (11) unaligned,
28      2 cur_num_of_variables fixed bin (24) unal,  /* current number of variables allocated */
29      2 number_of_steps fixed bin,                 /* total number of nodes looked at */
30      2 total_allocated_size fixed bin (35);       /* current amount of storage in user area */
33 dcl 1 variable_node aligned based,                /* individual variable information */
34      2 forward_thread ptr unaligned,              /* thread to next node off same hash bucket */
35      2 vbl_size fixed bin (24) unsigned unaligned, /* length in words of variable */
36      2 init_type fixed bin (11) unaligned,        /* 0=not init; 3=init template; 4=area 5=list_template*/
37      2 time_allocated fixed bin (71),             /* time when variable was allocated */
38      2 vbl_ptr ptr,                               /* pointer to variable's storage */
39      2 init_ptr ptr,                              /* pointer to original init info in object seg */
40      2 name_size fixed bin(21) aligned,           /* length of name in characters */
41      2 name char (nchars refer (variable_node.name_size)), /* name of variable */
42      2 seg_ptr  pointer;
44 /* variable_node.seg_ptr
45    Is a pointer to the segment containing the initialization information
46    for this variable. It is used as a segment base pointer for external
47    pointer initialization via list_init_.
49    The init_ptr can not be used as a reference to the defining segment
50    due to the possibility of set_fortran_common being used to initialize
51    the external variables. sfc will generate an initialization information
52    structure if multiple intialization sizes are found in the specified
53    segments. sfc stores the address of this structure in the init_ptr field.
54    This is one reason why sfc does not perform external pointer
55    initialization.
57    The seg_ptr is set to point at the segment used to define the
58    initialization information. term_ sets this field to null on termination
59    due to the possiblity of executing a different segment which defines
60    initialization information. In this way the seg_ptr field will either
61    be valid or null.
62 */
64 dcl 1 heap_header based,
65      2 version            char(8),                /* specifies the verison of the header */
66      2 heap_name_list_ptr pointer,                /* points to the variable_table_header for this heap */
67      2 previous_heap_ptr  pointer,                /* points to the previous heap or is null */
68      2 area_ptr           pointer,                /* points to the heap area */
69      2 execution_level    fixed bin (17);         /* specifies the execution level this header deals with */
71 dcl heap_header_version_1 char(8) static options (constant)
72                                   init ("Heap_v01");
75 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... system_link_names.incl.pl1 */