1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE sys_trace.incl.pl1  --  Last modified Jan. 1982 */
 2 /* Modified for new pgt_ signal technology, Benson Margulies, 83-12 */
 3 /* format: style3 */
 5 declare   trace_ptr           ptr;
 7 declare   1 trace             based (trace_ptr) aligned,    /* system trace data structure */
 8             2 next_free       fixed bin (17) uns unal,      /* index to next free trace entry */
 9             2 pad1            bit (19) unal,
10             2 last_available  fixed bin (17) uns unal,      /* index to first unusable entry in list */
11             2 pad2            bit (19) unal,
12             2 ttime           fixed bin (71),               /* time used to figure incremental times */
13             2 temp            bit (36),                     /* temporary used by page$enter_data */
14             2 index           bit (17),                     /* index to end of post purge list */
15             2 threshold       fixed bin (17) unsigned unaligned,
16             2 pad3            bit (1) unaligned,            /* to halfword */
17             2 flags           unaligned,
18               3 send_ips      bit (1) unaligned,            /* send pgt_ when index reached threshold */
19               3 pad           bit (17) unaligned,
20             2 pad4            bit (36) aligned,
21             2 data            (1024),                       /* trace data entry structure */
22               3 data_word     char (4),                     /* per-type data word */
23               3 type          fixed bin (6) uns unaligned,  /* type of trace entry */
24               3 pad           bit (14) unaligned,
25               3 dtime         fixed bin (16) uns unaligned; /* time increment since last trace entry (in 64 micsec) */
27 declare   1 page_trace_entry  based (trace_ptr) aligned,    /* entry for page fault data */
28             2 pad             bit (18) unaligned,
29             2 ring            fixed bin (3) uns unaligned,  /* ring number fault occured in */
30             2 segment_number  fixed bin (15) uns unaligned, /* segment number of segment getting page fault */
31             2 type            fixed bin (6) uns unaligned,  /* MBZ for page faults */
32             2 page_number     fixed bin (12) uns unaligned, /* page number which caused fault */
33             2 pad1            bit (2) unal,
34             2 time            fixed bin (16) uns unaligned; /* time increment since last trace entry (res = 64 micro-secs) */
36 declare   1 extended_page_trace_entry
37                               based (trace_ptr) aligned,    /* page fault data with more info */
38             2 psr_segno       fixed bin (12) uns unaligned, /* segment number of proc faulting */
39             2 psr_offset      fixed bin (18) uns unaligned, /* IC of proc faulting */
40             2 tsr_segno_1     bit (6) unaligned,            /* 1st 6 bits of segment number faulted */
41             2 type            fixed bin (6) uns unaligned,  /* 15 decimal */
42             2 tsr_segno_2     bit (6) unaligned,            /* last 6 bits of segment number faulted */
43             2 tsr_pageno      fixed bin (8) uns unaligned,  /* page number faulted */
44             2 time            fixed bin (16) uns unaligned; /* time increment since last trace entry (res = 64 micro-secs) */
47 /* END INCLUDE FILE sys_trace.incl.pl1 */