1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... stat_seg.incl.pl1 - answering service statistics */
 3 dcl 1 statistics based (statp) aligned,                     /* Filled in by "as_meter_" periodically. */
 4     2 time_of fixed bin (71),                               /* Time of sample. */
 5     2 index fixed bin,                                      /* Index of current slot */
 6     2 wrapped fixed bin,                                    /* Incremented every time we wrap around */
 7     2 pad (4) fixed bin,
 8     2 array (652),                                          /* Array of sample bins */
 9       3 time fixed bin (71),                                /* Sample time */
10       3 sysid char (8),                                     /* Current system ID */
11       3 uptime fixed bin (71),                              /* Time of bootload */
12       3 units fixed bin,                                    /* Number of load units */
13       3 users fixed bin,                                    /* Number of users */
14       3 erfno char (8),                                     /* ERF number from last crash */
15       3 crashtime fixed bin (71),                           /* Time of crash. */
16       3 ncpu fixed bin (5) unal,                            /* Current # of CPU's */
17       3 pad2 bit (30) unal,
18       3 kmem fixed bin (17) unal,                           /* Current # of pages of main core */
19       3 kbulk fixed bin (17) unal,                          /* Current # of pages of paging dev */
20       3 system_virtual_time fixed bin (71),                 /* Cumulative virtual cpu time                    */
21       3 tcdata_contents (256) fixed bin,                    /* Copy of header of ring 0 tc_data */
22       3 sst_contents (128) fixed bin;                       /* Copy of header of ring 0 sst */
24 dcl  STAT_header_lth fixed bin int static init (8);         /* Lth in words for stat_seg header. */
25 dcl  STAT_entry_lth fixed bin int static init (400);        /* Length in words for stat_seg entry. */
27 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... stat_seg.incl.pl1 */