1 /* START OF: ssu_subroutine_dcls_.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ 2 3 4 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 5 1) change(2019-08-17,GDixon), approve(2019-10-23,MCR10069), 6 audit(2020-01-20,Swenson), install(2020-01-20,MR12.6g-0035): 7 Declarations needed by a typical ssu_ subsystem supporting program (not 8 acting as a request). 9 2) change(2021-02-22,GDixon), approve(2021-02-22,MCR10089), 10 audit(2021-03-31,Swenson), install(2021-03-31,MR12.6g-0053): 11 Add declarations for ssu_$execute_string and ssu_$get_info_ptr support 12 routines. 13 END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 14 15 dcl AsciP ptr; /* Pointer to ssu_ invocation data. */ 16 17 dcl code fixed bin(35); /* Status code. */ 18 19 dcl (F init("0"b), T init("1"b)) bit(1) aligned int static options(constant); 20 /* Constants used in this include file. */ 21 22 dcl ssu_$abort_line entry() options(variable); /* ssu_ request support routines. */ 23 dcl ssu_$abort_subsystem entry() options(variable); 24 dcl ssu_$execute_line entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35)); 25 dcl ssu_$execute_string entry (ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); 26 dcl ssu_$get_info_ptr entry (ptr) returns(ptr); 27 dcl ssu_$get_request_name entry (ptr) returns(char(32)); 28 dcl ssu_$get_subsystem_name entry (ptr) returns(char(32)); 29 dcl ssu_$get_subsystem_and_request_name entry (ptr) returns(char(72) var); 30 dcl ssu_$print_message entry() options(variable); 31 32 /* END OF: ssu_subroutine_dcls_.incl.pl1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */