1 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... ssu_request_macros.incl.alm
  2 " Created:  5 May 1980 by W. Olin Sibert
  3 " Modified: 25 July 1980 by G. Palter to add multics_request macro
  4 " Modified: 1 December 1981 by G. Palter to remove user_flags
  5 " Modified: 12 February 1982 by G. Palter for version 4
  6 " Modified: 28 February 1982 by G. Palter to add dont_summarize and dont_list
  7 " Modified: 2 August 1982 by Jay Pattin to add unknown_request
  8 " Modified: 24 October 1984 by G. Palter to restore user flags and add the
  9 "    set_default_flags and set_default_multics_flags macros
 12 " ALM macros used to define subsystem request tables
 15           macro     request_table_version
 16           aci       "srqt_4.0",8
 17           &end
 20           macro     namelist
 21           maclist   off,save
 22           vfd       36/&K
 23 &R&(      aci       @&i@,32
 24 &)
 25           maclist   restore
 26           &end
 28 " ^L
 30 " System defined per-request flags
 32           bool      flags.allow_command,400000    " valid as a command
 33           bool      flags.allow_af,200000         " valid as an active function
 34           bool      flags.allow_both,600000       " valid as both
 36           bool      flags.unimplemented,100000    " request is not yet implemented
 37           bool      flags.multics_request,040000  " request is actually a Multics command
 39           bool      flags.dont_summarize,020000   " summarize_requests won't list it
 40           bool      flags.dont_list,010000        " list_requests won't show it without -all
 42           bool      flags.unknown,004000          " request is explicitly made unknown
 45 " Macros for setting per-request flags
 47           macro     set_flags_loop
 48           maclist   off,save
 49 &(3
 50 &=&i,default&[      set_flags_loop      &1,(0),(&2)
 51 &;        set       &1,&1+&i
 52 &]&)
 53           maclist   restore
 54           &end
 57           macro     set_flags
 58           maclist   off,save
 59           set       &1,0
 60 &=&3,&[   set_flags_loop      &1,(0),(&2)
 61 &;        set_flags_loop      &1,(&2),(&3)
 62 &]
 63           maclist   restore
 64           &end
 66 " ^L
 68 "         set_default_flags {(system-flags)},{(user-flags)}
 70 " Sets the default system and/or user flags to be used for requests:
 71 "   system-flags: defines the default general nature of requests;" the default
 72 "      default is flags.allow_command
 73 "   user-flags:  defines the default setting for the subsystem specific flags
 74 "      associated with requests;" the default default is none (0)
 75 "   Note: If either system-flags or user-flags is ommitted, the default is not
 76 "      changed from its prior value.  This action allows the use of multiple
 77 "      set_default_flags macros within a table to change system or user
 78 "      flags without affecting the other defaults
 80           macro     set_default_flags
 81           maclist   off,save
 82 &^=&1,&[  set_flags .dft_sf,(flags.allow_command),(&1)
 83 &]
 84 &^=&2,&[  set_flags .dft_uf,(0),(&2)
 85 &]
 86           maclist   restore
 87           &end
 90 "         set_default_multics_flags {(system-flags)},{(user-flags)}
 92 " Sets the default system and/or user flags to be used for Multics commands when used as requests:
 93 "   system-flags: defines the default general nature of Multics requests;" the
 94 "      default default is flags.allow_command+flags.allow_af
 95 "   user-flags:  defines the default setting for the subsystem specific flags
 96 "      associated with Multics requests;" the default default is none (0)
 97 "   Note: If either system-flags or user-flags is ommitted, the default is not
 98 "      changed from its prior value.  This action allows the use of multiple
 99 "      set_default_multics_flags macros within a table to change system or user
100 "      flags without affecting the other defaults
102           macro     set_default_multics_flags
103           maclist   off,save
104 &^=&1,&[  set_flags .dft_mrsf,(flags.allow_command,flags.allow_af),(&1)
105 &]
106 &^=&2,&[  set_flags .dft_mruf,(0),(&2)
107 &]
108           maclist   restore
109           &end
111 " ^L
113           macro     .multics_request_doc
114           null
115           &end
118           macro     dft_multics_doc_lth
119           set       .multics_doc_lth,0
120           &end
123 "         set_default_multics_doc (string)
125 " Sets the default documentation to be used for Multics commands when used as requests:
126 "   string: is the documentation string to be used for any subsequent requests defined by
127 "      the multics_request_macro;" all occurences of "&1" in this string will be replaced by
128 "      the actual name of the request;" Eg:
129 "         set_default_multics_doc (Type '.. help &1' for more information.)
131           macro     set_default_multics_doc
132           maclist   off,save
133           macro     .multics_request_doc
134           aci       @&1@
135           &&end
136           macro     dft_multics_doc_lth
137           macro     .compute
138           set       .multics_doc_lth,&&&&l1
139           &&&&end
140           .compute (&1)
141           &&end
142           maclist   restore
143           &end
145 " ^L
147 "         begin_table tablename
149 " Defines a subsystem request table (multiple tables may exist in a single object segment):
150 "   tablename: the name by which this table may be referenced externally;" references to the
151 "      table should be of the form segname$tablename where segname is the name of this
152 "      object segment
154           macro     begin_table
155           segdef    &1
156           maclist   object,save
157           use       tables
158 &1:       request_table_version
159           aci       @&1@,32
160           dup       6
161           vfd       36/0
162           dupend
163           vfd       36/&1.rc
164           maclist   off
165           set       .rc,0
166           set_default_flags (default),(default)
167           set_default_multics_flags (default),(default)
168           maclist   restore
169           &end
172 "         end_table tablename
174 " Indicates the end of a subsystem request table definition:
175 "   tablename: the name of the table which has now been completely defined
177           macro     end_table
178           maclist   off,save
179           set       &1.rc,.rc
180           maclist   restore
181           &end
183 " ^L
185 "         request   name,processor,({abbreviations}),{(documentation)},
186 "                    {(system-flags)},{(user-flags)}
188 " Defines a subsystem request:
189 "   name: the primary name of this request
190 "   processor: the name of the procedure which actually executes this request;" it must be
191 "      of the form segname$entryname
192 "   abbreviations: is the list of defined abbreviations for this request
193 "   documentation: a short string used by the list_requests request to explain this request
194 "   system-flags: defines the general nature of this request;" the default is
195 "      flags.allow_command
196 "   user-flags: allows a subsystem to provide subsystem-specific information
197 "      with the request's definition;" the default is none (0)
199           macro     request
200           maclist   off,save
201           set       .rc,.rc+1
202           maclist   object
203           use       tables
204           vfd       18/&U.call,18/&U.names
205 &=&4,&[   vfd       36/0
206 &;        vfd       18/&U.info,18/&l4
207           maclist   off
208           use       info
209 &U.info:  aci       @&4@
210 &]
211           use       tables
212           set_flags .sf,(.dft_sf),(&5)
213           set_flags .uf,(.dft_uf),(&6)
214           maclist   object
215           vfd       18/.sf,18/.uf
216           maclist   off
217           use       calls
218 &U.call:  epaq      *
219           lprp4     7|stack_header.lot_ptr,*au
220           call6     &2
221           use       names
222 &U.names: namelist  &1&^=&3,&[,&3&]
223           maclist   restore
224           &end
226 " ^L
228 "         unknown_request name,(abbreviations)
230 " Defines an unknown request: used to make the utilities not recognize a request even though
231 " it is defined in a later request table (such as ssu_request_tables_$standard_request):
232 "   name: the primary name of the request to be marked as unknown
233 "   abbreviations: is the list of defined abbreviations for this request
235           macro     unknown_request
236           maclist   off,save
237           set       .rc,.rc+1
238           maclist   object
239           use       tables
240           vfd       18/&U.call,18/&U.names
241           vfd       36/0
242           vfd       18/flags.unknown,18/0
243           maclist   off
244           use       calls
245 &U.call:  epaq      *
246           lprp4     7|stack_header.lot_ptr,*au
247           call6     ssu_$unknown_request
248           use       names
249 &U.names: namelist  &1&^=&2,&[,&2&]
250           maclist   restore
251           &end
253 " ^L
255 "         multics_request name,({abbreviations}),({documenation}),{procedure},
256 "                          {(system-flags)},{(user-flags)}
258 " Defines that a Multics command/AF may be used as a subsystem request:
259 "   name: the primary name of this request (usually the name of the Multics command/AF)
260 "   abbreviations: is the list of defined abbreviations for this request
261 "   documentation: a short string used by the list_requests request to explain this request;
262 "      if no documentation is provided, the documentation specified by a prior use of
263 "      set_default_multics_doc is used
264 "   procedure: the name of the Multics command/AF which is actually executed by this
265 "      request;" it must be of the form segname$entryname;" if not given, the default is
266 "      name$name
267 "   system-flags: defines the general nature of this request;" the default is
268 "      flags.allow_command+flags.allow_af
269 "   user-flags: allows a subsystem to provide subsystem-specific information
270 "      with the request's definition;" the default is none (0)
272           macro     multics_request
273           maclist   off,save
274           set       .rc,.rc+1
275           maclist   object
276           use       tables
277           vfd       18/&U.call,18/&U.names
278 &=&3,&[   dft_multics_doc_lth &1,(&2),(&3),(&4),(&5),(&6)
279           vfd       18/&U.info,18/.multics_doc_lth
280 &;        vfd       18/&U.info,18/&l3
281 &]
282           maclist   off
283           use       info
284 &U.info:
285 &=&3,&[   .multics_request_doc &1,(&2),(&3),(&4),(&5),(&6)
286 &;        aci       @&3@
287 &]
288           use       tables
289           maclist   object
290           set_flags .sf,(.dft_mrsf),(&5)
291           set_flags .uf,(.dft_mruf),(&6)
292           maclist   object
293           vfd       18/.sf+flags.multics_request,18/.uf
294           maclist   off
295           use       calls
296 &U.call:  epaq      *
297           lprp4     7|stack_header.lot_ptr,*au
298 &=&4,&[   call6     &1$&1
299 &;        call6     &4
300 &]
301           use       names
302 &U.names: namelist  &1&^=&2,&[,&2&]
303           maclist   restore
304           &end
306 " ^L
308 " Required ALM statements to make this all work
310           use       tables
311           use       calls
312           use       names
313           use       info
314           join      /text/tables,calls,names,info
316           include   stack_header
318 " END INCLUDE FILE ... ssu_request_macros.incl.alm