1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... spooling_info.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Spooling IO Module control structure. Created 11/4/74 by Janice Phillipps */
 3 /* Modified 1/25/78 by J. C. Whitmore during spool driver update */
 5 dcl  sip ptr;                                               /* pointer to spooling info structure */
 7 dcl 1 spooling_info based (sip) aligned,                    /* spooling info structure */
 8     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version of structure  */
 9     2 pad1 fixed bin,                                       /* space broken for ptr allocation */
10     2 iocbp ptr,                                            /* ptr to io control block used by tape_ansi_ */
11     2 switch_name char (32),                                /* name of io switch attached to tape_ansi_ */
12     2 nvols fixed bin,                                      /* number of tape volumes requested */
13     2 density char (4),
14     2 block_lnth char (4),
15     2 volids (3) char (6),                                  /* array of tape volume ids */
16     2 filesetid char (6),                                   /* name of current ansi file set */
17     2 comment char (64),                                    /* comment to operator at mount */
18     2 phys_line_length fixed bin,
19     2 phys_page_length fixed bin,
20     2 filenumber fixed bin,                                 /* number of current file on tape */
21     2 static_number char (6) aligned,
22     2 flgs,
23       3 fst_call bit (1) unaligned,                         /* indicates first time thru attach code */
24       3 lst_call bit (1) unaligned,                         /* indicates spooling tape will be detached */
25       3 io_sw bit (1) unaligned,                            /* = "1"b if ring in tape */
26       3 vol_mount bit (1) unaligned,
27       3 pad1 bit (32) unaligned,
28     2 spooling_limits,
29       3 spool_file_limit_sw fixed bin,                      /* = 1 when reached specified spooling file limit */
30       3 spool_line_limit_sw fixed bin,                      /* = 1 when reached specifid spooling line limit */
31       3 file_limit fixed bin (35),                          /* count of files to spool until */
32       3 line_limit fixed bin (35),                          /* count of lines to spool until */
33     2 spooling_file_count fixed bin (35),                   /* count of files spooled so far */
34     2 spooling_line_count fixed bin (35);                   /* count of lines spooled so far */
36 dcl  spooling_info_version_4 fixed bin int static init (4) options (constant);
39 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... spooling_info.incl.pl1  */