1 /***********      Start of software_pnotice_info_.incl.pl1           *********/
 2 /* This file contains the structure used by the software information tools   */
 3 /*  -Written by R. Holmstedt 04/18/81                                        */
 6 dcl 01 product aligned based (SI_ptr),  /* each PSP will have a entry        */
 7           02 prod_number fixed bin,     /* product count                     */
 8           02 num (0 refer (product.prod_number)),
 9              03 MI char(7),             /* marketing number of this product  */
10              03 prod_name char(20),     /* generic name of the product       */
11              03 prod_title char(80),    /* long explaination of the product  */
12              03 prod_STI char(12),      /* software technical identifier     */
13              03 source_C (10) char(24),   /* products copyright for source   */
14              03 object_C (10) char(24),   /* products copyright for object   */
15              03 x_path,
16                 04 dirname char(168),
17                 04 entryname char(32),
18              03 source_path,
19                 04 dirname char(168),
20                 04 entryname char(32),
21              03 object_path,
22                 04 dirname char(168),
23                 04 entryname char(32),
24              03 prod_use(10) char(7);    /* market number of many products
25                                             that make up this one MI         */
26            dcl SI_ptr ptr;
28 /***********      End   of software_pnotice_info_.incl.pl1           *********/