1 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE signaller_stack.incl.alm
2 "
3 temp8 pad make machine conditions 0 mod 16
4 temp8 mach_cond6 machine conditions
5 tempd mc_ptr pointer to machine conditions
6 tempd null_ptr null pointer
7 temp string_descriptor descriptor for condition name
8 temp ptr_descriptor descriptor for m.c. pointer
9 tempd arglist9 argument list for call to signal
10 temp signal_string8 condition name
11 temp8 on_unit2 must be at 128 in stack frame
12 temp8 history_registers16
14 bool fim_frame_flag,001000
16 " on_unit must start at 128 because trap_caller_caller_ sets up a stack
17 " frame assuming this to be so. Similarly mach_cond must start
18 " at 48.
20 "
21 " END INCLUDE FILE signaller_stack.incl.alm