1 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... segnfo.incl.pl1 2 3 " HISTORY COMMENTS: 4 " 1) change(86-10-01,JRGray), approve(86-10-01,MCR7507), 5 " audit(86-10-27,RWaters), install(86-11-12,MR12.0-1202): 6 " Modified to keep a ptr to the list_fcb. This is part of the fix that 7 " removes pad characters from the listing. 8 " END HISTORY COMMENTS 9 10 segref eb_data_,segnfo 11 equ text,0 12 equ source,2 13 equ list,4 14 equ list_fcb,6 15 equ scrtch,8 16 equ txtlen,10 17 equ srclen,11 18 equ lstlen,12 19 "END OF segnfo.incl.alm