1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... sdm_invocation.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Created:  August 1983 by G. Palter from portions of emf_info.incl.pl1 */
 4 /* Definition of a single invocation of send_mail */
 6 dcl  1 sdm_invocation aligned based (sdm_invocation_ptr),
 7        2 type character (8),                                /* defines this structure as a send_mail invocation */
 8        2 sci_ptr pointer,                                   /* -> subsystem utilities invocation data */
 9        2 area_ptr pointer,                                  /* -> area to be used by the subsystem */
11        2 message_info,                                      /* information about the message being constructed */
12          3 message_ptr pointer,                             /* ... -> the actual message */
13          3 message_state fixed binary,                      /* ... unprocessed/modified/processed: controls quit query */
14          3 date_time_body_modified fixed binary (71),       /* ... last date/time the message body was changed: used to
15                                                                display Date/Message-ID fields before transmission */
17        2 fill_width fixed binary,                           /* default line length for message filling */
18        2 flags,
19          3 brief bit (1) unaligned,                         /* ON => suppress "Mail delivered..." messages */
20          3 acknowledge bit (1) unaligned,                   /* ON => user wants acknowledgement from recipients */
21          3 notify bit (1) unaligned,                        /* ON => send each recipient a notification of delivery */
22          3 fill bit (1) unaligned,                          /* ON => fill message body whenever modified */
23          3 debug_mode bit (1) unaligned,                    /* ON => debugging features enabled */
24          3 auto_write bit (1) unaligned,
25          3 pad bit (30) unaligned,                          /* ON => qedx request automatically rewrites on quit (sigh) */
27        2 rdm_invocation_ptr pointer,                        /* -> description of read_mail invocation whose reply request
28                                                                created this send_mail invocation */
30        2 original_messages_ptr pointer,                     /* -> current list of original messages from which the
31                                                                In-Reply-To field is to be regenerated after use of
32                                                                qedx/apply -header  */
34        2 abort_code fixed binary (35);                      /* indicates whether send_mail exited with unsent message */
36 dcl  SDM_INVOCATION character (8) static options (constant) initial ("sdm_0008");
38 dcl  sdm_invocation_ptr pointer;
40 dcl  sdm_area area based (sdm_invocation.area_ptr);
43 /* Possible message states: indicate whether the message has been modified in some way since it was last successfully
44    transmitted, logged, saved, or writen.  This state is used by the quit request to control whether it should query the
45    user for permission to exit send_mail */
47 dcl (UNPROCESSED_MESSAGE      initial (-1),                 /* message has never been transmitted/logged/saved/written */
49      MODIFIED_MESSAGE         initial (1),                  /* message was transmitted/logged/saved/written but has been
50                                                                modified since the last such operation */
52      PROCESSED_MESSAGE        initial (0))                  /* message was transmitted/logged/saved/written and hasn't
53                                                                been modified since that operation: OK to quit without
54                                                                having to ask for the user's permission */
55           fixed binary static options (constant);
57 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... sdm_invocation.incl.pl1 */