1 /*  BEGIN:   sc_subsystem_info_.incl.pl1                      *  *  *  *  *  */
 3 /* format:style3,idind30 */
 5 /* Created  1984-10-24  BIM */
 6 /* Modified 1985-01-07, BIM: access control flags that track admin and X */
 7 /* Modified 1985-02-18, E. Swenson to save away abort_line procedure. */
11   1) change(87-02-17,GDixon), approve(87-07-03,MCR7680),
12      audit(87-07-13,Parisek), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
13      Correct formatting problems.  Add sc_subsystem_info.flags.dont_mask_calls
14      switch.
15   2) change(87-07-03,GDixon), approve(87-07-03,MCR7680),
16      audit(87-07-13,Parisek), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
17      Removed dont_mask_calls flag.  It is no longer needed to correctly perform
18      masking on a per-request basis.
19                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
22 declare   sc_subsystem_info_ptr         pointer;
23 declare   1 sc_subsystem_info           aligned based (sc_subsystem_info_ptr),
24             2 restriction_flags         bit (36) aligned,   /* copied from mc atep or fabricated */
25             2 flags                     aligned,
26               3 no_real_tty             bit (1) unaligned,  /* for sc_admin_command_ */
27               3 print_ready             bit (1) unal,       /* on for all except the system console,          */
28                                                             /*  instructs sc_process_command_line_ to deal    */
29                                                             /*  with the prompt                               */
30               3 the_system_console      bit (1) unal,       /* syserr messages are printed here (but console  */
31                                                             /*  recover doesn't try to fix this) copied here  */
32                                                             /*  from the mc_ate to save other looking in there*/
33               3 printer_offed           bit (1) unal,       /* suppress logging */
34               3 pad                     bit (32) unaligned,
35             2 source_name               char (32) unaligned,
36             2 area_ptr                  pointer,
37             2 mc_atep                   pointer,            /* needed to play with attachments */
38             2 real_iocb                 pointer,            /* for sc_signal_io_handler_ */
39             2 hangup_entry              entry (pointer) variable,
40                                                             /* called on io_no_permission. */
41             2 real_execute_line         entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)),
42             2 real_locate_request       entry (ptr, char (*), ptr, fixed bin (35)),
43             2 access_control_name       char (32) unaligned,
44             2 real_invoke_request       entry,              /* since MR11 ssu_ lacks the ability to abort a   */
45                                                             /*  single request, we have an invoke_request that*/
46                                                             /*  handles a condition to unwind the request     */
47             2 abort_request_label       label,              /* go here (nonlocally) to unwind a single request */
48             2 real_abort_line           entry options (variable);
50 declare   sc_ss_area                    area based (sc_subsystem_info.area_ptr);
52 /* The following defines the user flags for the request table. */
54 declare   sc_rf_ptr                     pointer;
55 declare   1 sc_request_flags            unaligned based (sc_rf_ptr),
56             2 dont_parse_arguments      bit,                /* reply, intercom */
57             2 obsolete                  bit,                /* warn opr to not use it */
58             2 dont_mask_calls           bit,                /* this runs without masking ev calls */
59             2 requires_as               bit,                /* not before AS */
60             2 requires_no_as            bit,                /* only before AS */
61             2 complete_disks_first      bit,                /* try to mount disks */
62             2 no_login_needed           bit,                /* sign_on */
63             2 pad                       bit (5),
64             2 restriction_type          fixed bin (6) unsigned;
65                                                             /* index into restriction flag string */
68 /*  END OF:  sc_subsystem_info_.incl.pl1                      *  *  *  *  *  */