1 /*  BEGIN:   sc_stat_.incl.pl1                                *  *  *  *  *  */
 5   1) change(87-02-04,GDixon), approve(87-05-25,MCR7690),
 6      audit(87-06-02,Parisek), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
 7      Add sc_stat_$vchn_requires_accept in support of DSA virtual channels.
 8   2) change(87-02-04,GDixon), approve(87-05-25,MCR7680),
 9      audit(87-06-02,Parisek), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
10      Reorganized by type of data to improve readability.
11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
14                                     /* ACCESS NAMES                          */
15 dcl (
16  sc_stat_$exec_access_name,         /* check MC access in an exec request    */
17  sc_stat_$unidentified_access_name  /* check access if no one is logged in.  */
18     ) char(32) ext static;
20                             /* PATHNAMES                                     */
21 dcl (
22  sc_stat_$info_dir,         /* admin info segs directory                     */
23  sc_stat_$log_dir,          /* as log segs directory                         */
24  sc_stat_$mc_acs_dir,       /* message coordinator ACS segments (.mcacs) dir */
25  sc_stat_$sysdir            /* system control directory                      */
26     ) char(168) ext static;
28                             /* OTHER CHAR STRINGS                            */
29 dcl (
30  sc_stat_$master_channel    /* Master TTY channel.                           */
31     )  char(6) aligned ext static;
33                                      /* LABELS                               */
34 dcl (
35  sc_stat_$admin_listener_exit_label, /* GO here to exit admin mode.  Set to  */
36                                      /*    ssu_$null_label unless            */
37                                      /*    admin_listener is active.         */
38  sc_stat_$master_abort_label,        /* GO here after fault that is not      */
39                                      /*    attributable to a particular      */
40                                      /*    command.                          */
41  sc_stat_$system_shutdown_label      /* GO here to shut down system          */
42     ) label variable ext static;
44                                /* POINTERS TO                                */
45 dcl (
46  sc_stat_$admin_log_iocb,      /* IOCB for admin log                         */
47  sc_stat_$admin_log_write_ptr, /* DATA for log_write_ calls on the admin log */
48  sc_stat_$admin_sci_ptr,       /* DATA ssu_ for terminal currently executing */
49  sc_stat_$as_log_write_ptr,    /* DATA for log_write_ calls on as log, used  */
50                                /*      by sys_log_.                          */
51  sc_stat_$initzer_ttyp,        /* ENT  mc_ate for initializer terminal       */
52  sc_stat_$master_iocb,         /* IOCB for "master_i/o"                      */
53  sc_stat_$master_sci_ptr,      /* DATA ssu_ (permanent) for system control   */
54  sc_stat_$mc_ansp,             /* HEAD of mc_anstbl                          */
55  sc_stat_$mc_iocb,             /* IOCB ptr for "mc_i/o"                      */
56  sc_stat_$sv1_iocb,            /* IOCB ptr for "severity1"                   */
57  sc_stat_$sv2_iocb,            /* IOCB ptr for "severity2"                   */
58  sc_stat_$sv3_iocb             /* IOCB ptr for "severity3"                   */
59     ) ptr ext static;
61                                  /* SWITCHES                                 */
62 dcl (
63  sc_stat_$Go,                    /* TRUE after answering service is listening*/
64  sc_stat_$Go_typed,              /* TRUE immediately after 'go' is typed     */
65  sc_stat_$Multics,               /* TRUE after answering service started     */
66  sc_stat_$Multics_typed,         /* TRUE immediately after 'mult' is typed   */
67  sc_stat_$Star_typed,            /* TRUE if 'mult' and 'go' came from 'star' */
68  sc_stat_$admin_listener_switch, /* TRUE if in the admin listener            */
69  sc_stat_$did_part1,             /* TRUE if part 1 of system startup ec done */
70  sc_stat_$did_part2,             /* TRUE if part 2 of system startup ec done */
71  sc_stat_$did_part3,             /* TRUE if part 3 of system startup ec done */
72  sc_stat_$mc_is_on,              /* TRUE if message coordinator running      */
73  sc_stat_$no_operator_login,     /* TRUE if operator login not required, or  */
74                                  /*      if PNT not yet available.           */
75  sc_stat_$shutdown_typed,        /* TRUE if 'shutdown' command in progress.  */
76  sc_stat_$test_mode,             /* TRUE if in test environment              */
77  sc_stat_$vchn_requires_accept   /* TRUE if vchn may only be used if accepted*/
78                                  /*      by operator signed on system console*/
79     ) bit(1) aligned ext static;
82 /*  END OF:  sc_stat_.incl.pl1                                *  *  *  *  *  */