1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... sat.incl.pl1 */
 7   1) change(86-09-05,Parisek), approve(87-06-17,MCR7570),
 8      audit(87-06-15,Hirneisen), install(87-08-06,MR12.1-1066):
 9      Expand comment line of project.state to include the renamed state (state =
10      3).
11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
15 /* Modified 740723 by PG to add AIM info */
16 /* Modified 750604 by T. Casey to add priority scheduler parameters */
17 /* Modified May 1976 by T. Casey to add project cutoff limits */
18 /* Modified May 1978 by T. Casey to add pdir_quota */
19 /* Modified November 1978 by T. Casey to add max_(fore back)ground and abs_foreground_cpu_limit */
20 /* Modified July 1979 by J. N. R. Barnecut  to support multiple rate structures. (UNCA) */
21 /* Modified January 1982 by E. N. Kittlitz for user_attributes.incl.pl1 changes */
22 /* Modified 1984-07-05 BIM range of authorizations, version 3 */
24 dcl (SAT_version init (3),                                  /* version 2 of this declaration */
26      SAT_header_lth init (466),                             /* length in words of SAT header */
27      SAT_entry_lth init (80),                               /* length in words of SAT entry */
29      SAT_project_name_length init (9)                       /* proper length of project.project_id */
30      ) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
32 dcl 1 sat based (satp) aligned,
34 %include author;
35     2 max_size fixed bin,                                   /* max number of entries table can grow */
36     2 current_size fixed bin,                               /* current size of table  (in entries) */
37     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version number of table (word 32) */
38     2 freep fixed bin,                                      /* free chain ptr. 0 if no free entries */
39     2 n_projects fixed bin,                                 /* number of entries actually used */
40     2 pad_was_max_users bit (36) aligned,
41     2 max_units fixed bin,                                  /* maximum number of login-units per session */
42     2 pad_was_max_prim bit (36) aligned,
43     2 uwt_size fixed bin,                                   /* size of User Weight Table */
44     2 uwt (24) aligned,                                     /* User Weight Table */
45       3 initproc char (64) unaligned,                       /* user's initial procedure  */
46       3 units fixed bin,                                    /* weight of initial procedure */
47     2 system_admin (2) char (32) unal,                      /* system administrator ID */
48     2 pad1 (4) fixed bin,                                   /* padding to 466 wds */
49     2 project (3258),                                       /* The SAT entries. 255K segment. */
50       3 pad (80) fixed bin;                                 /* each entry is 80 words long  */
53 dcl 1 project based (satep) aligned,                        /* declaration of a single SAT entry  */
54     2 state fixed bin,                                      /* state 1 = normal, 0 = free, 2 = deleted, 3 = renamed */
55     2 project_id char (12) unaligned,                       /* project's name */
56     2 project_dir char (64) unaligned,                      /* project's directory */
57     2 pdt_ptr pointer,                                      /* pointer to current PDT */
58     2 max_users fixed bin,                                  /* maximum number of users from project */
59     2 n_users fixed bin,                                    /* current number */
60     2 at like user_attributes aligned,                      /* include user_attributes.incl.pl1 */
61     2 admin (4) aligned,                                    /* list of project's administrators  */
62       3 userid char (30) unal,                              /* administrator's user-id (personid.projectid) */
63       3 pad char (2) unal,
64     2 cutoff char (1),                                      /* if project is cut off, why. */
65     2 min_ring fixed bin,                                   /* lowest ring for project */
66     2 max_ring fixed bin,                                   /* highest ring for project */
67     2 alias char (8) unal,                                  /* project alias */
68     2 group char (8) unal,                                  /* default group for this project */
69     2 grace_max fixed bin,                                  /* maximum bump grace */
70     2 audit bit (36),                                       /* audit flags for project */
71     2 project_authorization (2) bit (72),                   /* authorization of this project */
72     2 groups (2) char (8) unal,                             /* authorized groups for this project */
73     2 days_to_cutoff fixed bin (17) unaligned,              /* these figures are as of last running of daily_summary */
74     2 pct_balance fixed bin (17) unaligned,                 /* they are used for warning message printing only */
75     2 dollars_to_cutoff float bin,                          /* and are not to be taken as up-to-date figures */
76     2 pdir_quota fixed bin (17) unaligned,                  /* max pdir quota allowed for project */
77     2 max_foreground fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,      /* max simultaneous foreground and background */
78     2 max_background fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,      /* processes that a user on this project can have */
79     2 abs_foreground_cpu_limit fixed bin (17) unaligned,    /* time limit on foreground absentee jobs */
80     2 rs_number fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,           /* rate structure number (0=default rates ) */
81     2 satpad1 fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,
82     2 satpad (1) bit (36) aligned,                          /* pad to 80 words */
83     2 chain fixed bin;                                      /* if free entry, chain */
85 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... sat.incl.pl1 */