1 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE rw_report_info.incl.pl1
 2     Information needed to control the report environment.
 3     Al Dupuis - August 1983
 4 */
 5 /* format: off */
 6 %skip (1);
 7      dcl     1 report_control_info aligned  based (report_cip),
 8                2 flags,
 9                  3 report_is_paginated bit (1) unaligned,            /* paged or one continous stream */
10                  3 table_has_been_started bit (1) unaligned,         /* table clean up is necessary */
11                  3 table_is_full    bit (1) unaligned,               /* no more retrieves are necessary */
12                  3 report_has_been_started bit (1) unaligned,        /* report clean up is necessary */
13                  3 report_is_formatted bit (1) unaligned,            /* no more formatting is necessary */
14                  3 permanent_report bit (1) unaligned,               /* or disposable */
15                  3 permanent_table  bit (1) unaligned,               /* or disposable */
16                  3 report_has_just_been_completed bit (1) unaligned, /* used for printing timers */
17                  3 table_has_just_been_loaded bit (1) unaligned,     /* used for printing timers */
18                  3 multi_pass_mode bit (1) unaligned,                /* on if we are to do more than 1 pass */
19                  3 available        bit (26) unaligned,
20                2 format_options_flags,                               /* used to determine if value is default */
21                  3 general_report_default_value (NUMBER_OF_GENERAL_REPORT_OPTIONS_IN_TABLE) bit (1) unaligned,
22                  3 general_column_default_value (NUMBER_OF_GENERAL_COLUMN_OPTIONS_IN_TABLE) bit (1) unaligned,
23                2 value_seg_ptr      ptr,                             /* the options value seg */
24                2 table_information_ptr ptr,                          /* points to table_info */
25                2 table_control_info_ptr ptr,                         /* points to table_control_info */
26                2 row_value_temp_segment_ptr ptr,                     /* points to a segment for the row value */
27                2 general_work_area_ptr ptr,                          /* a freeing work area */
28                2 name_value_area_ptr ptr,                            /* area for name-value allocations */
29                2 subsystem_control_info_ptr ptr,                     /* ptr for ssu_ info structure */
30                2 subsystems_info_ptr ptr,                            /* points to subsystems info structure */
31                2 name_value_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                        /* temp seg for name-value space */
32                2 report_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                            /* report workspace */
33                2 report_work_area_ptr ptr,                           /* report workspace */
34                2 format_report_info_ptr ptr,                         /* info needed to create a report */
35                2 input_string_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                      /* report workspace */
36                2 output_string_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                     /* report workspace */
37                2 editing_strings_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                   /* report workspace */
38                2 headers_temp_seg_ptr ptr,                           /* report workspace */
39                2 display_iocb_ptr   ptr,                             /* report is displayed through this */
40                2 area_info_ptr ptr,                                  /* points to area_info structure */
41                2 table_manager_delete_table_entry variable entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)), /* entry who deletes the table  */
42                2 table_manager_get_query_entry variable entry (ptr, ptr, fixed bin (21), fixed bin (35)), /* entry who gets the query */
43                2 table_manager_get_row_entry variable entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)), /* entry who loads rows  */
44                2 table_manager_create_table_entry variable entry (ptr, fixed bin (35)), /* entry who makes a new table  */
45                2 options_identifier fixed bin,                       /* current set of options */
46                2 report_identifier  fixed bin,                       /* current report */
47                2 no_of_rows_retrieved fixed bin (35),                /* current no of rows */
48                2 no_of_formatted_pages fixed bin (21),               /* current no of pages */
49                2 number_of_passes fixed bin,                         /* number of times report will be formatted */
50                2 table_loading_time float bin (63),
51                2 table_sorting_time float bin (63),
52                2 table_deletion_time float bin (63),
53                2 report_setup_time  float bin (63),
54                2 report_formatting_time float bin (63),
55                2 report_display_time float bin (63),
56                2 report_deletion_time float bin (63),
57                2 ssu_evaluate_active_string_time float bin (63),
58                2 temp_dir_unique_id bit (36),               /* uid of temp dir */
59                2 subsystems_ec_suffix char (32),            /* suffix for saving and restoring ecs */
60                2 temp_dir_name      char (168) unaligned;   /* the dir where we place the retrieved table and report */
61      dcl     report_cip             ptr init (null ());
63 /*  END INCLUDE FILE rw_report_info.incl.pl1  */