1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:  rtq_stucture_info.incl.pl1 */
 4   1) change(87-06-09,TLNguyen), approve(87-06-09,MCR7692),
 5      audit(87-07-15,Blair), install(87-07-28,MR12.1-1048):
 6      implement read_tape_and_query (rtq) nonstandard subsystem as an ssu_
 7      standard subsystem.
 8                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
10 /* Created by Tai Le Nguyen for use by read_tape_and_query subsystem */
12 dcl 1  rtq_structure_info  aligned,                /* aligned because of speed up purpose */
13        2  Version        char (8),                 /* version name is rtq.1 */
14        2  bits           fixed bin (35),           /* record length in bits */
15        2  block_size     fixed bin (35),
16        2  buf_size       fixed bin (21),           /* buffer size */
17        2  c_den          char (5),                 /* current density */
18        2  c_file         fixed bin,                /* current file */
19        2  c_mode         fixed bin,                /* current mode */
20        2  c_rec          fixed bin,                /* current record */
21        2  pointers,
22           3  cbufp       ptr,                      /* current buffer pointer */
23           3  cdkp        ptr,                      /* compdeck card pointer */
24           3  cdptr       ptr,                      /* compdeck pointer */
25           3  cfptr       ptr,                      /* compression field pointer */
26           3  cvp         ptr,                      /* conversion pointer */
27           3  cvbp        ptr,                      /* convertion buffer pointer */
28           3  fiocb_ptr   ptr,                      /* file i/o control block pointer */
29           3  lblp        ptr,                      /* label pointer */
30           3  rptr        ptr,                      /* record pointer */
31           3  rtq_area_ptr ptr,                     /* read tape and query area pointer */
32           3  tiocb_ptr   ptr,                      /* tape i/o control block polinter */
33           3  tptr        ptr,                      /* tape pointer */
34        2  clen           fixed bin (21),           /* current length */
35        2  cvbl           fixed bin (21),           /* conversion buffer length */
36        2  ddec           fixed bin (35),           /* density decimal */
37        2  l_type         fixed bin,                /* label type */
38        2  density (5)    char (5),
39        2  flags,
40           3  atd_sw      bit (1),                  /* attach description switch */
41           3  buf_ful     bit (1),                  /* buffer full switch */
42           3  eof         bit (1),                  /* end of file */
43           3  eof_request_flg bit (1),              /* end of file request flag */
44           3  eov         bit (1),                  /* end of volume */
45           3  extend_sw   bit (1),                  /* extended switch */
46           3  f_attached  bit (1),                  /* file attached */
47           3  fw_file     bit (1),                  /* written file switch */
48           3  last_job_deck_flg bit (1),
49           3  one_eof     bit (1),
50           3  records_in_file_flg bit (1),          /* number of records in the current file flag */
51           3  return_subsys_loop_flg bit (1),
52           3  set_bin     bit (1),                  /* set binary mode switch */
53           3  set_nine    bit (1),                  /* set nine mode switch */
54           3  short_output_flg bit (1),             /* for setting line length on a given i/o switch */
55           3  tmr         bit (1),                  /* terminate read switch */
56           3  two_eofs    bit (1),                  /* end of tape switch */
57        2  tape_name      char (8),
58        2  rec_len        fixed bin (21),           /* record length in chars */
59        2  tdec           fixed bin (35),           /* track decimal */
60        2  wd_buf_size    fixed bin,                /* word buffer size */
61        2  filename       char (32) varying,        /* notes that these variables of character varying declaration */
62        2  filepath       char (168) varying,       /* are placed at the bottom of the structure to avoid being overwritten */
63        2  tape_atd       char (200) unaligned varying;/* tape attach description */