1 /*  BEGIN:   rs_attach_block.incl.pl1                         *  *  *  *  *  */
 5   1) change(75-02-13,Asherman), approve(), audit(), install():
 6      Initial coding.
 7   2) change(87-08-30,GWMay), approve(87-08-30,MCR7730), audit(87-09-10,GDixon),
 8      install(87-09-10,MR12.1-1104):
 9      Changed target_name to be unaligned.
10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
13 dcl          rsab_ptr               ptr;
14      dcl     1 rs_attach_block      based (rsab_ptr) aligned,
15                                                             /* record_stream_ attach block */
16                                                             /* the following are set during attachment */
17                2 attach_descrip,
18                  3 attach_descrip_len
19                                     fixed (35),
20                  3 attach_descrip_string
21                                     char (66),              /* "record_stream_ <targ_sw_name> <option>" */
22                2 target_name        char (32) unaligned,    /* name of the target switch */
23                2 length_n           fixed (21),             /* =-1 --> -nnl option, */
24                                                             /* = 0 --> default option, */
25                                                             /* > 0 --> -length option */
26                2 i_attached_target  bit (1) aligned,        /* ="1"b --> target attached via -target option */
27                                                             /* the following are set during opening */
28                2 open_descrip,
29                  3 open_descrip_len fixed (35),
30                  3 open_descrip_string
31                                     char (24),
32                2 mode               fixed,                  /* opening mode-- may be 1,2,4, or 5 if open */
33                2 target_iocb_ptr    ptr,                    /* points to the iocb for the target switch */
34                2 i_opened_target    bit (1) aligned,        /* ="1"b --> this opening caused target to be opened */
35                2 base               fixed (21),             /* offset of next byte in rs_buffer */
36                2 n_left             fixed (21);             /* number of unprocessed bytes in rs_buffer */
38 /*  END OF:  rs_attach_block.incl.pl1                         *  *  *  *  *  */