1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... rqti_header.incl.pl1 .....   */
 4 dcl 1 rqti_header aligned based,                            /* header for a request type info seg */
 5     2 time_created fixed bin (71),                          /* clock time when table was translated */
 6     2 header_version fixed bin,                             /* version number of the header alone */
 7     2 type_code fixed bin,                                  /* 0 = header only */
 8                                                             /* 1 = printer generic type */
 9                                                             /* 2 = punch   generic type */
10                                                             /* 3 = tape    generic type */
11     2 rqti_switches,
12      (3 meter bit (1),                                      /* meter this request type */
13       3 auto_go bit (1),                                    /* driver should not request a go command */
14       3 rqti_sw_pad bit (34)) unal,                                   /* room to grow */
15     2 driver_wait_time fixed bin,                           /* seconds to wait, before asking coord for service */
16     2 header_pad (10) fixed bin;                            /* leave 10 words for future generations */
18 dcl  rqti_header_version_1 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
21 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... rqti_header.incl.pl1 .... */