1 /* --------------- BEGIN include file resource_control_desc.incl.pl1 --------------- */
 3 /* Written by R.J.C. Kissel 3/78. */
 4 /* Modified 09/28/78 by C. D. Tavares */
 6 dcl 1 resource_descriptions based (resource_desc_ptr) aligned,
 7     2 version_no fixed bin,                                 /* caller must set this to resource_desc_version_1 */
 8     2 n_items fixed bin,                                    /* Number of resources described by this structure. */
 9     2 item (Resource_count refer (resource_descriptions.n_items)) aligned,
10       3 type char (32),                                     /* e.g., "tape_drive" */
11       3 name char (32),                                     /* e.g., "tapa_03" */
12       3 uid bit (36),                                       /* The resource unique id. */
13       3 potential_attributes bit (72),                      /* resource's permissible attributes */
14       3 attributes (2) bit (72),                            /* RCP attribute description (output) */
15       3 desired_attributes (4) bit (72),                    /* desired attributes (input) */
16       3 potential_aim_range (2) bit (72),                   /* Lowest and highest possible AIM bounds for resource */
17       3 aim_range (2) bit (72),                             /* Current AIM range */
18       3 owner char (32),                                    /* e.g., "Smith.Project" */
19       3 acs_path char (168),                                /* Access control segment pathname. */
20       3 location char (168),                                /* String describing location in unusual cases */
21       3 comment char (168),                                 /* User-settable comment string */
22       3 charge_type char (32),                              /* accounting identifier for this resource */
23       3 rew bit (3) unaligned,                              /* user's effective access to resource */
24       3 (usage_lock,                                        /* This resource may not be acquired or used. */
25          release_lock,                                      /* The owner is not allowed to release the resource. */
26          awaiting_clear,                                    /* Resource awaiting manual clear */
27          user_alloc) bit (1) unaligned,                     /* User claims volume contains useful data */
28       3 pad2 bit (29) unaligned,                            /* Ignored field. */
29       3 given aligned,                                      /* each of these bits says the corresponding */
30                                                             /* item is significant on input */
31        (4 (name,
32            uid,
33            potential_attributes,
34            desired_attributes,
35            potential_aim_range,
36            aim_range,
37            owner,
38            acs_path,
39            location,
40            comment,
41            charge_type,
42            usage_lock,
43            release_lock,
44            user_alloc) bit (1),
45         4 pad1 bit (22)) unaligned,
46       3 state bit (36) aligned,                             /* For use of resource_control_ only */
47       3 status_code fixed bin (35);                         /* Standard system status code for this resource. */
50 /* Note that the reservation description must always be used with a resource
51    description structure.  When they are used together the two structures must
52    have the same number of entries, i.e. Resource_count is the same for both. */
55 dcl 1 reservation_description based (resource_res_ptr) aligned,
56     2 version_no fixed bin,                                 /* The version number for this structure. */
57     2 reserved_for char (32),                               /* Group id of reserved for process. */
58     2 reserved_by char (32),                                /* Group id of reserved by process. */
59     2 reservation_id fixed bin (71),                        /* Reservation id of this reservation group. */
60     2 group_starting_time fixed bin (71),                   /* Starting time for this reservation group. */
61     2 asap_duration fixed bin (71),                         /* Duration after which as soon as possible is no longer good. */
62     2 flags aligned,
63      (3 auto_expire bit (1),                                /* Should reservation expire when this process terminates. */
64       3 asap bit (1),                                       /* Make this reservation group as soon as possible. */
65       3 rel bit (1),                                        /* Times are relative/absolute. */
66       3 sec bit (1)) unaligned,                             /* Times are in sec/microsec. */
67     2 n_items fixed bin,                                    /* Number of resources reserved in this group. */
68     2 reservation_group (Resource_count refer (reservation_description.n_items)),
69       3 starting_time fixed bin (71),                       /* When this resource res. starts in the group. */
70       3 duration fixed bin (71);                            /* Duration of this resource res. in the group. */
72 dcl (resource_desc_ptr,
73      resource_res_ptr) pointer;
75 dcl (resource_desc_version_1 initial (1),
76      resource_res_version_1 initial (1)) internal static options (constant);
78 dcl  Resource_count fixed bin;                              /* The number of resources described in the structures. */
80 /* ---------------- END include file resource_control_desc.incl.pl1 ---------------- */