1 /* Requisition file declaration */
 2 /* Modified BIM 1984-07-10 for unaligned strings */
 3 /* Modified BIM 1984-09-14 foor 3000 size-array */
 5 dcl 1 reqfile based (qp) aligned,                           /* MIT accounting data */
 6     2 nacts fixed,
 7     2 version fixed bin,
 8     2 pad (6) bit (36) aligned,
 9     2 reqfiletab (3000),                                    /* one entry per Multics account */
10                                                             /* same size as projfile */
11       3 acctid char (12) unal,                              /* account id. usually same as Proj */
12       3 mitacct char (12) unal,                             /* MIT account no. */
13       3 reqno char (12) unal,                               /* requisition or PO no. */
14       3 qflag char (8),                                     /* class & activity */
15       3 procssd fixed bin,                                  /* temp for usage report */
16       3 qdn fixed bin (71),                                 /* date on for account */
17       3 qdf fixed bin (71),                                 /* date off */
18       3 billing_name char (32) unal,                        /* where to send bill */
19       3 billing_addr char (32) unal,
20       3 chg_mo float bin (63),                              /* charges this month */
21       3 chg_tr float bin (63),                              /* charges this req */
22       3 req_amt float bin (63),                             /* req face value */
23       3 cutoff fixed bin (71);                              /* term date for req */
25 dcl  loqh int static fixed bin (17) init (8),               /* length of reqfile head */
26      loqe int static fixed bin (17) init (40);              /* lth of reqfile entry */
28 declare REQFILE_VERSION fixed bin init (2) int static options (constant);
30 /* End include file reqfile.incl.pl1 */