1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE relbts.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This include file defines the relocation bits as bit (18) entities.  See
 4    also relocation_bits.incl.pl1 and reloc_lower.incl.pl1. */
 6 dcl (     rc_a      initial("0"b),                          /* absolute */
 7           rc_t      initial("000000000000010000"b),         /* text */
 8           rc_nt     initial("000000000000010001"b),         /* negative text */
 9           rc_lp18   initial("000000000000010010"b),         /* linkage, 18 bit */
10           rc_nlp18  initial("000000000000010011"b),         /* negative link, 18 bit */
11           rc_lp15   initial("000000000000010100"b),         /* linkage, 15 bit */
12           rc_dp     initial("000000000000010101"b),         /* def section */
13           rc_s      initial("000000000000010110"b),         /* symbol segment */
14           rc_ns     initial("000000000000010111"b),         /* negative symbol */
15           rc_is18   initial("000000000000011000"b),         /* internal static 18 */
16           rc_is15   initial("000000000000011001"b),         /* internal static 15 */
17           rc_lb     initial("000000000000011000"b),         /* link block */
18           rc_nlb    initial("000000000000011001"b),         /* negative link block */
19           rc_sr     initial("000000000000011010"b),         /* self relative */
20           rc_e      initial("000000000000011111"b))         /* escape */
21           bit(18)   internal static options(constant);
23 dcl (     rc_dp_dp  initial("000000000000010101000000000000010101"b), /* def section, def section */
24           rc_a_dp   initial("000000000000000000000000000000010101"b)) /* absolute, def section */
25           bit(36) internal static options(constant);
27 /* END INCLUDE FILE relbts.incl.pl1 */