1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... rdm_invocation.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Created:  September 1983 by G. Palter from portions of emf_info.incl.pl1 */
 4 /* Definition of a single invocation of read_mail */
 6 dcl  1 rdm_invocation aligned based (rdm_invocation_ptr),
 7        2 type character (8),                                /* defines this structure as a read_mail invocation */
 8        2 sci_ptr pointer,                                   /* -> subsystem utilities invocation data */
 9        2 area_ptr pointer,                                  /* -> area to be used by the subsystem */
11        2 mailbox_info,
12          3 mailbox_ptr pointer,                             /* -> mailbox structure being examined by this invocation */
13          3 message_list_ptr pointer,                        /* -> list of read_mail specific information retained for each
14                                                                message (eg: the "processed" flag) */
15          3 message_chains,                                  /*the various message chains ... */
16            4 all pointer,                                   /* ... all unexpunged messages */
17            4 undeleted pointer,                             /* ... all undeleted messages */
18            4 deleted pointer,                               /* ... all deleted messages */
19            4 marked pointer,                                /* ... messages to be processed by the current request */
20            4 marked_as_original pointer,                    /* ... messages being processed by a reply/forward request */
21          3 mailbox_name character (168) varying,            /* name of the mailbox (your mailbox/logbox/pathname) */
23        2 current_message fixed binary,                      /* index of the current message; 0 => no current message */
25        2 last_search_buffer,                                /* describes the buffer where read_mail constructs the ... */
26          3 buffer_ptr pointer,                              /* ... the printed representation of messages in order ... */
27          3 buffer_used fixed binary (21),                   /* ... to speed up regular expression searching */
29        2 global_options,                                    /* command line options affecting all of read_mail ... */
30          3 flags,
31            4 acknowledge bit (1) unaligned,                 /* ... ON => acknowledge messages after printing */
32            4 brief bit (1) unaligned,                       /* ... ON => shorten some messages and omit others */
33            4 debug_mode bit (1) unaligned,                  /* ... ON => enable debugging features */
34            4 pad bit (33) unaligned,
36        2 print_options,                                     /* command line options affecting the print request ... */
37          3 formatting_mode fixed binary,                    /* ... output mode for the message header, etc. */
39        2 reply_options,                                     /* command line options affecting the reply request ... */
40          3 line_length fixed binary,                        /* ... line length to be used by send_mail for filling */
41          3 indentation fixed binary,                        /* ... amount to indent original text when included */
42          3 flags,
43            4 include_original bit (1) unaligned,            /* ... ON => include original message text in the reply */
44            4 include_authors bit (1) unaligned,             /* ... ON => include original authors as recipients */
45            4 include_recipients bit (1) unaligned,          /* ... ON => include original recipients as recipients */
46            4 include_self bit (2) unaligned,                /* ... ON => include this user as a recipient of the reply if
47                                                                selected by include_authors/include_recipients */
48            4 fill_control bit (2) unaligned,                /* ... controls message filling by send_mail */
49            4 pad bit (29) unaligned;
51 dcl  RDM_INVOCATION character (8) static options (constant) initial ("rdm_0009");
53 dcl  rdm_invocation_ptr pointer;
55 dcl  rdm_area area based (rdm_invocation.area_ptr);
58 /* Defined settings for reply_options.include_self */
60 dcl (DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SELF     initial ("00"b),              /* neither -include_self nor -no_include_self given */
61      NO_INCLUDE_SELF          initial ("01"b),              /* -no_include_self explicitly given */
62      INCLUDE_SELF             initial ("10"b))              /* -include_self explicitly given */
63           bit (2) aligned static options (constant);
65 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... rdm_invocation.incl.pl1 */